Chapter 27- Friendly Talks

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"Spencer," she murmurs and he grins.

"Yeah. You fell asleep at the station. I'm assuming to stay with Daniel. Everyone's waiting outside while I wake you up. I didn't want you to hurt anyone and wake the baby." She chuckles softly as she sits up and Spencer takes her lead, standing up and motioning the team in. Morgan walks in with his phone pressed to his ear as Garcia gives him a new lead.

He passes the information onto Hotch who splits the teams up, ordering Gideon and Morgan to the suspect's house and taking Spencer with him to the suspect's work while leaving the girls with the baby, per their request. Daniel eventually wakes up and Amanda makes him a bottle and feeds him before putting him back in the crib with some of the baby toys the officer had purchased. "He's so adorable when he isn't screaming his head off," JJ jokes, and the three women all laugh.

"He is," Emily agrees. "You're really good with him, Amanda. Have you ever thought about it yourself?"

"Thought about what?" She asks in confusion and Emily and JJ share a look.

"About having kids of your own," JJ elaborates and Amanda frowns.

"No. I don't think I'd be a good mother," she states firmly. "I didn't really have a great childhood and I can barely take care of myself, let alone a little human. Plus, I don't think I'd be able to stop working and I don't exactly avoid perilous situations."

"Sure but the team would help," Emily points out. "Like how you're here now. Hotch wouldn't let you go into a bad situation if he could help it."

Amanda gives her a look. "Because I always listen to my brother so well." Her two companions laugh as Amanda shakes her head. "Besides, that's only one problem solved. I guess maybe I could be a decent mother if my child had a good, responsible dad."

"Like Spencer," Emily wonders, and JJ's eyes go wide as she looks at the brunette in shock.

"I was actually thinking the complete opposite of my father, so I suppose Spencer would fit the bill. Although anyone who thinks child abuse and spousal abuse is wrong fits the bill, I suppose," she mutters, looking down at the baby with a sad look. "I don't understand how anyone could see something this small and completely innocent and do everything they could to destroy that innocence. Or how someone could hit someone they were meant to love, let alone when that person is pregnant with your children over something as dumb as a Halloween costume."

"Amanda," JJ whispers, placing a hand on her shoulder and breaking Amanda out of whatever place she had fallen into. Amanda shakes her head as though to clear it before turning to Emily.

"I got what you were implying, by the way, but nothing is going on between Spencer and me."

"What about camera guy?"

"Camera guy?" JJ questions and Amanda rolls her eyes.

"An old friend sent me a camera as a gift. It was left on my desk with a note."

"Not just any camera," Emily inputs. "An extremely expensive, old camera. I looked it up and it's like 400 bucks."

"Must've been one hell of a friend," JJ mutters and Amanda grins.

"Well, I do have a tendency to sleep with friends. Male and female so I suppose I have lots of very good friends," she taunts, and JJ and Emily share a surprised look.

"I can't tell if you're joking or not," Emily states and Amanda shrugs.

"Why would I be joking? I am a fantastic judge of character, so I don't befriend people that are rude, uncaring, or boring, so why no sleep with them?"

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