21 - Love that Starts from Friendship

Start from the beginning

His question made me instantly looked at his lips. "Nothing..." I said nervously as I looked away. "Why did you ask?"

"Just a feeling..." He replied hesitantly as well.

"Then, it's that why you're not scolding me? Because you're feeling guilty?"

"Just a bit... Although I don't really know what I did or said, I have a strong feeling that did something last night," he replied honestly. I wanted to smile at that moment, but I held it in. I didn't want to offend him. Who knew that he had that adorable side to him as well? Feeling guilty over something he couldn't even remember, as I thought, he does have a soft side to him. "I know how I can be when I'm drunk. I tend to be harsher than usual, my friends say. That's why, if I said some hurtful things last night, I apologize."

"Well, you were really vicious last night," I said, finally looking at him. "But it's okay, I went overboard as well. So I guess we're even."

"I see... I'm sorry..."

"If you don't mind me asking; why are so you suddenly a lot nicer now? It's scary... a bit..." I asked nervously. "Well, you don't have to answer me, if you don't want to."

"The truth is, I was a bit suspicious of you the first time you brought me here. Because, you're the only person that I know that would let a total stranger sleep in his bed. I was actually thinking, that you were up to something shady, or you were plotting something. But, after hearing your name and that you work at Diamond Sky, I asked around about you. I found out that all the writers respect you and like working with you, and that you give your best to everything, and that no matter how hard and tiring a project is you would always have a smile while working. Then I thought; someone who works hard like that, someone who loves his work like that, there's no way that he's a bad person."

I was really moved when I heard what Director Jovan said. It made me really happy.

"As I thought, Director is not a cold and scary person at all..." I said trying my best to hide my overflowing emotions. I was once again closer to understanding him. That day, I found out that Director Jovan wasn't really snobbish, he's just guarded. Very.

Director Jovan chuckled. "Well, they're probably right, at some point..."

"I don't think so," I said. "There's no way a cold person can make a film that would move the heart. I watched them; the films that you made. They're beautiful, they're moving," I nodded a bit with a huge smile.

"You watched them...?" He sounded surprised.

"Yes, last night," I replied. "That's why..." I was hesitant whether I should say my opinion or not. "That's why I think you should take it easy on the alcohol," I said swiftly. "Because, it's such a waste, to lose such a talented director like you over alcohol."

"Kyle..." Director Jovan looked surprised.

I just realized that I sounded like an admiring fan. It made me feel really embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, for saying stuff like that."

"No, not at all..." Director Jovan replied with a smile. "Honestly, I still remember what you said when I first came here. That getting drunk would solve nothing. I know that, but no matter how hard I tried, I can't find the solution to my problem. That's why I wanted to forget instead, and I can only forget when I'm drunk, when I'm drinking. I don't know any other way."

"I do. I know a way to forget your problems without getting drunk."

"You do?"

"Yes, if you want to forget your problems next time, I can teach you how," I told him with a smile.

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