Chapter 1

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Daichi's POV

"Hey Daichi?"


"Why are we just standing out here?"

"Oh, because the new transfer student has signed up to join the team and I thought it'd be easier for him to find us all if he can see us." I explained, Asahi nodding with a small smile.

"Ah I see. Who's the new student?"

"His name's Sugawara. He's a third year."

"Third year? Why is he transferring now?"

"Not sure." I said with a shrug. When the others started showing up, I explained to them why we were all just waiting. Finally, who I can only assume is Suga, walked over. 

"Hi, are you Sugawara?" I asked with a smile. He looked at me quietly, probably a bit shy before he returned the smile.

"Yes, I am.. Please, just call me Suga."

"Nice to meet you Suga. I'm Daichi." I said, extending my hand for a handshake. He shook my hand while I introduced all the others. Once everyone was introduced, I unlocked the doors and we all headed in. The others set up while I told Suga he could watch just for now. So he stood next to me.

"So, did you play volleyball at your other school?" I asked politely, Suga looking up at me with a nod and a smile.

"Yes, I was their setter."

"Oh, good! Our setter quit the team last year. We have another, but he's a first year. He's still learning." I said, Suga laughing faintly and nodding. He stood close to me until practice started. During practice, I noticed he was actually pretty good. Makes sense if he's played before though.

At the end of the day while I was helping the others clean up, I noticed Suga kept looking at me. I didn't mind though. I remember my first year, I did the same thing. People probably thought I was weird, but before I had any courage to talk to people, I'd end up kinda staring at them first.

"Alright, gym looks good everyone. Tomorrow, practice will be in the morning instead of evening." I said, some of the others groaning since that'd mean waking up earlier than usual. Everyone said goodbye to each other and departed ways, except for Suga.

"Hey, you alright?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Oh, I'm alright."

"You sure?"

"Mhm. I just live a bit far."

"Where're you staying?" I asked curiously, Suga telling me that his parents were paying for a small apartment for him. When he told me which apartment, I smiled faintly.

"That's a bit far. Would you like me to walk with you?"


"Sure. Let's get moving before it gets too dark." I said, Suga smiling and walking with me. I didn't mind the extra walk. It's always welcoming to have someone show some kindness your first day.

Suga's POV

I couldn't help but keep taking looks at Daichi. I was thankful that he said he would walk with me home. Before I came to Karasuno, I was a bit worried I'd find no friends as a new third year. That's pretty much why I joined the volleyball team. But it seems I've found someone already.

Honestly, the first thing I noticed about Daichi is his physical appearance. I couldn't help but notice he was rather finely built. The other guys from my last school were okay I guess, but none I liked. I don't know how common male couples are at this school, but they were very common at my last one considering it was an all boys academy. 

"Hey Suga."


"How was your first day at Karasuno? I saw we have a few classes together." Yeah, I notice too.

"Oh, everything was alright. A little different is all."

"Ah, well I hope you'll like it here. It really is a nice school. Where did you go before?"

"An all boys academy."

"Oh? How was that?"

"It was fine. It's strange being in a co-ed school again though."

"Well, don't worry. The girls and guys here don't bite." Daichi said, making me smile faintly. 

"I hope not." I said calmly. We continued to walk until we reached the apartments I was staying at. 

"Well, I need to get heading home. I'll see you at practice in the morning." Daichi said while scratching the back of his head. I looked at him before smiling.

"Why don't you stay with me?"


"It's a long walk. Just stay here with me tonight. I can wash both of our uniforms." I said, trying to coax Daichi to stay with me. He looked a bit worried and tucked his hands into his pockets.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't want to impose."

"It's not imposing if I'm offering. Come on." I said, grabbing his wrist and pulling his hand from his pocket. He looked at me surprised when I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside. Daichi took a look around before smiling faintly, taking his shoes off and setting his bag down.

"Thank you." He said while I smiled.

"It's no problem. Here, come with me." I said, taking him to my room.

"You can wear this, once you have your uniform off I'll go wash them." I said while handing him the baggiest clothes I had since he was bigger than me, leaving Daichi to change. After he was done, I told him after I get mine off I'll go to the wash room.

Daichi stepped out while I went in my room and closed the door. Before I bothered taking my clothes off, I stared down at Daichi's uniform in my hands. I have to admit, his natural scent mixed with his cologne that was still lingering in his uniform, was very nice. 

Before Daichi would get any kind of suspicion to why I was taking so long, I set his clothes down on my bed and stripped of my own clothes. I decided on a short pair of shorts the showed off me legs and just a white shirt. It was something simple, nothing to strange.

When I stepped out of my room, Daichi looked over at me. He looked a bit surprised, but I smirked inwardly when I noticed his eyes take a quick glance downward.

"I'll be right back." I said, taking our clothes and putting them to wash and dry. When I got back, I sat down next to Daichi on the small futon in the living room space of my apartment. He looked at me as I leaned forward and smiled at him.

"So, why don't you tell me all about yourself, Daichi?"

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