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Judging that you are still here you've giving me another Chance am I right... heh..glad you still stuck around but once one problem is out of the way there's another one and I don't ask much all I want is some emotional support I'm feeling more depressed than I usually do it's 3:30 AM I'm tired but this depression is keeping me from sleeping and rn all I ask for is a friend.. a shoulder to cry on I don't like brining people into my problems but it's getting worse and I don't think I'll be the same I was in a awhile, this isn't a pity thing for you to forgive me for what I did it's just I really ain't feeling myself and I just really ain't feeling happy hell I'm the opposite of it all I say is help or not just please stick with me to give me some sort of confidence But I will work on the stories just give me a bit of time cause I gotta work on them and well I ain't the smartest around you can ask my friends about that... if they text me.. but with me not being a "smart" person thinking is more slower for me and well it takes forever to think of stuff for these stories but with depression it will be a bit longer.

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