Girls day out

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Well I had a suicidal joke..but no one gonna find it funny.. Jesus I'm turning into the joker.. well either way got no joke read the story already))

Still 3rd person pov

The sun rose luz was half asleep she already woke up a bit but her vision was blurry she couldn't move much she was tired.

Luz's door slammed open scaring Luz to jump
Out of bed as Lilith stood at the door already dressed her hair was wet.

"You ready for that day out luz!" Lilith said with a ecstatic smile she was way more... energetic and happy for what she dresses in.(idk I see Lilith as a goth)

"Yea yea... just give me some time and a shower... and clean clothes.. a toothbrush Toothpaste... and perfume.. well maybe not perfume but that'd be nice" luz said as she stood up straight still smaller than the witch that towered over her "of course I got all of those things I went out to the market last night got you some stuff you just owe me one" Lilith joked causing Luz to chuckle "owe you what? My first born child" luz joked "yea that'd do nicely" Lilith said but that didn't sound like a joke "wait wha-" Luz was cut off as Lilith dragged Luz to the bathroom "what the hell you doing with my student?" Eda said as she walked up to the two girls "girls day!" Lilith said with a smile on her face "oh don't worry sis your little human will be back safely" Lilith said as she pat Luz's shoulders "I wasn't talking about her" Eda said seeming a bit suspicious about the two "aww you do care for me" Lilith said as she dragged Luz into the bathroom.

"Hey hey! I still have clothes on don't shove me into the shower AAU-"


Luz stepped outside with a new all black hoodie with jeans.

Lilith walked with luz with a smile looking at Luz "you know you'll grow into your body luz" Lilith said with heart warming smile "yea even then you shouldn't have seen me naked.. I can shower on my own you know" luz said as the two took off to town.

"So luz I want to know you a bit more... what's your favorite song?" Lilith asked "champion by barns Courtney I like it you may like it" luz replied with a smile "what about you?" Luz returned the question "fighter by Jung youth" Lilith replied "that's human music" Luz said "I know" Lilith said (I'm only saying my favorite songs I'm very open about my music and I just don't want to find a song that matched them so eh)

The two got into town and they went straight for ice cream cause who can resist that am I right?

Luz had her hands in her pocket as Lilith used her staff as a walking stick for no reason

"So luz have you ever had the... talk?" Lilith asked "what talk?" Luz questioned "you know the birds and the bees" Lilith said wanting to know everything about the girl "uuuh.." Lilith grabbed Luz and pulled her closer to herself "so it begins with the pituitary gland it may be little but it has big plans"


Luz sat there holding her ice cream as it slowly melted on her hands "goodbye childhood" she whispered as she dropped the ice cream into the trash "I ain't in the mood for ice cream no more" luz said as Lilith had no problems what so ever she just kept licking her ice cream

You know even after I have a girlfriend I'm still gonna make the jokes but now I'm adding Lilith cause she look good like Eda am I right?))

Lilith finished her ice cream and grabbed Luz's hand "cmon I know where to go!" Lilith said dragging Luz off

Uh.... later again...

The two where at a fair playing games winning prizes luz got a duck with a detective hat on it (if you know you know)

Then the two where eating Cotten candy together having fun laughing as they walk around.

"Ooh Lilith can we go on that!" Luz pointed at a rollercoaster "u-uh... s-sure anything for you dearie" Lilith shook a bit hesitant of going on the coaster but she did it for Luz "yay!" Luz said as she dragged Lilith by her arm to the coaster.

The two waited in line until they can ride once they got there the two sat down and got strapped in the person that operated looked at the two girls "you know the smaller one isn't tall enough it's for adults but... it's not my problem" the guy said as the ride started and the coaster zoomed off.

Accordingly yes that's a real word 4 minutes later that was a long coaster

Luz grabbed a photo of the two on the coaster and looked at it she seen herself having fun but Lilith's face was green as if she was gonna puke.

Luz looked up from the photo to see Lilith running out the ride and running past her to a garbage can and throwing up in it "ew... but cool" luz said to herself as she went to Lilith.

Later again

The two left the fair and walking throughout town talking not paying attention.

A figure caught Luz's eye it looked like.... Anity!?

"Ugh" Luz said as she put her hood up and looked away from the girl that hasn't noticed "that's the girl I like" luz said to Lilith "you like my student?!" Lilith said


The two where home tired just like the author but he isn't gonna sleep anytime soon.

The girl of two worldsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang