Movie - Mullette (Fluff)

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|TW: Second hand embarrassment and awkwardness|


"I knew they would pull this shit!"

Hercules mumbled to himself. "It's too late now... Alex, Eliza, and Maria have ditched me to go hang out with Thomas. But I know exactly what they're trying to do..."

"Hercules mon ami, are you talking to yourself again?" Lafayette poked his head into Hercules' room. "Oh uh- yeah. Our friends ditched our movie night plans to hang out with your cousin. I guess it's just going to be me and you," Hercules said. Lafayette blushed and nodded and went back to the living room. He set blankets and pillows onto the couch and went into the kitchen to make popcorn and get snacks.

The two friends shared a dorm and every Friday night they'd invite their friends to come and have a movie night with them. They're friends decided to skip movie night as a way to bring Lafayette and Hercules closer together seeing as the two had been crushing on each other.

Lafayette finished setting everything up and chose out a Disney movie. His personal favorite, Beauty and the Beast. "Hercules! Everything is set up!" Lafayette called for his friend. Hercules came out of his room and smiled. "Alright." The two sat down on their couch. Hercules turned off the lights and pulled a blanket over the both of them and Lafayette set the bowl of popcorn between them. They started the movie.

About half-way through, they ran out of popcorn. "So um- who's gonna refill it?"

Lafayette paused the movie and they turned towards each other. "How are we settling this, mon ami?" Lafayette asked. "Hm... I'd say rock, paper, scissors, but that's too simple. How about truth or dare? Whoever does the least dares has to make the popcorn."

"That seems like an overly complicated waste of time. I'm in."

"Okay. Truth or dare Laf?"


"Call Alex and have him pick your dare."

"Easy." Lafayette picks up his phone and video calls Alex.

"Mn- hello?"

"Alex. Pick a dare for me."


"Just do it."

"Um okay. Hm... I dare you to mettez votre main sur la cuisse de Herc et gardez-la là tout le match."

Lafayette blushes a bit. "O- okay..." he awkwardly puts his hand to Hercules' thigh who looks at him confused. "Your turn. Truth or dare?"


"Alex, choose his dare."

"I dare you to use one of your pick up lines on him."

Hercules blushes and looks away. "Are you French?"

"Oh God not that one-"

"Because Eiffel for you."

Lafayette just looks at him and blushes more. "U- um... anyways- truth or dare Laf?"



"Hm... I dare you to make this more entertaining."

Lafayette at first doesn't do anything. Then he starts rubbing Hercules' thigh. Hercules gasps and instinctively grabs at Lafayette's waist, a little roughly, and pulls him on top of him. They awkwardly stare at each other and keep blushing. "That went unexpected. I'm gonna go back to Thomas now," Alex says and hangs up the phone. Lafayette awkwardly shifts, whether it's the fact that Hercules still has his hands on his waist or that he's on top of him, he doesn't know. "Um- I think it's safe to say that neither of us are making popcorn any time soon. Or finishing the movie..." Hercules trails off. "Can I um... kiss you-"

Hercules slowly nods and Lafayette leans in and kisses him. Hercules kisses back and tightens his grip on Lafayette's waist. His hands find their way to Hercules' hair and they deepen the kiss. After another moment or two, they pull away. "... I- I'm not sure what- that was. I mean, It was amazing and better than I've ever imagined-"

"Yeah same. It was an experience. Your lips are so soft."

"Yeah... I like you."

"I like you too."


*Dies from embarrassment*

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