Intern Corner - Mullette (Fluff)

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I was running late for work. Again. I asked my cousin, Thomas to cover for me, but I'm not sure how long he's able to do so. I was rushing. I'm taking the train since I don't drive. It's taking forever. As soon as I hear them announce where I needed to be, I rushed to the doors. I was first off the train and held tightly on my briefcase. I have a meeting to get to in five minutes.

I run though the busy sidewalk and streets of Manhattan. Nearly got hit about six times. Not only do I have a meeting, but I guess there's this new person who's supposed to be joining the company and Mr. Washington assigned me to help them because they're starting with an internship. I just hope they're patient with my poor English. I rush through the front doors of the building. I swipe my identity card and get in one of the elevators.

It takes longer than usual for the elevator to reach the seventh floor, but as soon as it does, I run out. My briefcase becomes loose and I try to fix it all the while running to the conference room. I slow down to a brisk walk and turn the corner and within the blink of an eye, everything goes wrong. Someone else who was running, runs right into me, spilling their coffee and falling on me. My briefcase opens and all of my papers fall out into the coffee mess.

"Oh my god! I am so so sorry! I w- was rushing because I got lost and everyone was telling me to go to the conference room so I can meet my trainer, but I didn't take the tour and and-"

My eyes adjust to whoever was talking. The same person who knocked me over and is now sitting in my lap. I groan and sit up to get a better look. Damn me and forgetting my glasses and contacts. I don't even say anything, I just stare at him. He has rich, brown skin like dark chocolate and pretty amber eyes. His hair is short and a very dark brown. He'd probably suit a beanie or headband. My eyes trail away from his face, although I could stare at it forever, down his body. He's got a feminine body. Like, he has a flat stomach and a curvy waist which fits his other features perfectly.


I return to reality and look back at his eyes. "Oh um... sorry I wasn't- I spaced out um.. what were you saying?" I ask, regretting it in my head. "I don't- uh- I ran into you. Sorry. You seemed like you were heading somewhere," he responds. "Oh. Oh! R- right! I'm late, dammit. Jesus, Washington is going to kill me I- um-" I try getting up. "Oh do you want me to move I can- woaH-" I accidentally grip on his thighs and push him back while he panics and grips on my shirt, pulling me on top of him. "Sh- shit um sorry let me just-"

I move a bit before realizing the position we're in, me hovering over him with my erm- private area pressing against his. A blush spread across both of our faces. Neither of us move, we just stay there and look at each other. I watch his eyes slowly trail down my body before he quickly meets mine again and blushes more.

I hear a door open and someone steps out. I look up at my cousin Thomas. "Laf! Wh- what is going on here?" He asks. I struggle to find words for an explanation. "Well come on! Don't just look at me! Get up and get in here. I need to keep myself from strangling Hamilton and you're in place hold of James while he's on his honeymoon," Thomas says. "R- right um.." I stutter and get up and hold out my hand to help amber eyes up. He takes it and I pull him up. He leans into my chest.

"Um... thanks.."

"Yeah. No... problem. I'm Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. Most people just call me Gilbert or Gil."

"Wait- you're Lafayette?"

"... Yes?"

"O- oh, wow, um... hi! I'm Hercules Mulligan. I'm the new intern."

"Really? Well isn't that something. I guess I'm your trainer then."

"I've been looking for you everywhere! Everyone said you'd be in the conference room."

"No, I was running late today-"

"Which you still are, cuz. Now get on here before I push Hamilton out a window."

I roll my eyes and pick up my things. "Uh- nice meeting you. I look forward to seeing your internship work out," I say to Hercules. He smiles and nods. I follow Thomas to the conference room and stop in the doorway. "Oh- my office is down the hall. I'll be there in a moment," I look back at him and wink before walking in and shutting the door. I could tell he was blushing as I shut the door. Wonder how teaching this new intern and possibly member of the company will work out.


Part 2? 😏

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