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Disclaimer- Laws pov this chapter

sorry for not posting last week it was my birthday 🧎🏽‍♂️

Law looked out the window as Bonney was talking to him about her crazy day she had yesterday, Law wasn't really paying attention though. He just kind of stared out the window. It was 9:00 in the morning and he just woke up. Law started to think about Luffy and if they're ever going to become friends or maybe even mo-

"LAW!" Bonney yelled, people started to look at them.

"What," law glared at Bonney

"Are you even paying attention?" Bonney asked, "It seems like your not, wait. who are you thinking about..?" Bonney was interested.

"How do you know in thinking about someone?" Law asked.

"Because that's your thinking face, last time I saw you have that face is when you were thinking about Luffy."

"Oh," Law thought it was weird that Bonney knew what face means what he was thinking, kind of in like a stalker way.

A waiter started to walk over with Law and Bonney's food, Bonney couldn't wait to eat while Law was just sitting there unbothered.

Bonney started to digging into her food, she also talked with her mouth full. The thought of that made Law gag, let alone look at her while she was eating and talking. Law just slowly ate his food, trying hard not to gag.

"maw you and muffy, I cant mait till mall get married," Bonney mumbled with her mouth full of food.

Law still trying hard not to look at Bonney while she was eating, even her voice still made him gag, "Why're you talking with your mouth full?" Law looked away.

"Mwhy? What's wrong?" Bonney asked.

"I can barely hear you, plus that is so gross are you not disgusted?"

"mo," Bonney finally swallowed her food, "I always talk with my mouth full. You don't?"

"No I don't, that's gross," Law rolled his eyes

Bonney didn't know what to say, so she continued eating her food, "What am I supposed to when I want to talk with food in my mouth?"

"Wait until you're done chewing," Law rolled his eyes again.

Bonney didn't listen to what Law said and continued to dig into her food, Law lost his appetite after that, and the food she was eating was bread. If there was something Law hated the most, it would definitely be bread. Law just rested his chin on his hand and continued to look out the window like he always does.

Bonney eating her food like an animal remind Law of Law, this made Law kind of
smile at the thought of Luffy. No I need to stop thinking about Luffy. Ever since that one day, Luffy has always been on Laws mind, Law may not realize it, but he thinks about Luffy way more then he should.

Bonney finished her food and Law barely even touched his, "are you almost done?" Bonney asked.

"Well I didn't even get a chance to eat," law said.

Bonney chuckled at that, "well can you hurry up? I need to go to the store later, but I need to pick up something at my dorm real quick. Also I don't have any money on me right now."

Law barely had enough money in his wallet, but he had enough to pay for their meals, barley though, "You make my pockets hurt."

Bonney laughed again, "Law this is why you're my bestie. You're so funny."

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