dreams 2

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Disclaimer- sorry for the late chapter, a lot happened this weekend and i started working on it two days ago. Also my grammar is so bad and my friend is helping me 🧏🏽‍♀️ so shoutout to them

Also In this chapter Law is the mc

Law opened his eye, it was too blurry for him to see clearly. He wiped his eyes and rose from his bed with his hands over his covers. He looked down and he saw print sticking out in his blankets that were near his pants. His eyes widened and realized that this was because of Luffy. He almost started blushing. Law faced his closet which was right next to his bed, his legs were off the bed and his slides were right next to his feet. Law just stared at his closet, thinking about that dream that he had last night. I cant be falling for him? right?. I don't know my true feelings, he's probably not even gay and I barley know him. After Law was done thinking about that dream about Luffy, he stood up from his bed and opened his closet. Even though that dream wasn't real, seeing Luffy at all made Law happy inside.

While Law was getting dressed for the day he heard his phone buzz like he got a message. He looked over at his phone while his shirt was still off. Law walked over to his bed and seen that Bonney had texted him, saying she wanted to meet up. Why is she texting me so early? Law replied to the message saying where they were going to meet up. Bonney said they should meet in the campus fields where they were last time. Law looked up from his phone and remembered his time with Luffy there and zoned out for a bit.


Law had reached the place where Bonney and him where going to meet up, he looked around for awhile and finally saw a girl with pink hair sitting alone on a bench. Law walked over with his hands in his pockets and sat next to bonney.

"what do you want?" Law grumbled.

"you're my friend? why wouldn't I want to see you." Bonney chuckled. "I also wanted to see how you and Luffy were doing. Anything interesting happen?"

"No, I haven't seen him in awhile." Law replied, looking away with a frown.

"Well that's no fun." Bonney pulled out her bag and reached inside for some food, "You want some?" bonney asked.Law shook his head no. Bonney shrugged, "More for me."

"Well if there's nothing else you want me here for, I might as well be heading back to my dorm." Law got up from his seat beginning to walk back to his dorm.

"Wait!" Bonney shouted while getting up. "Let's go to the book store i want to show you something." A smile sprouted on Bonney's face .

Law was kind of irritated at the fact that they were doing something else, all he really wanted to do was go back to his dorm but he didn't want to make Bonney sad by saying no. So he just agreed with her, "k."

Bonney grew a smile like she knew what she was doing, I cant wait to show him these , "oh by the way, we're taking my car." Bonney looked at Law like she was eager to get to the book store. Law was confused because it was just a plain old book store, there was nothing special about it.

When they reached Bonney's car, Law was unsure if he was going to be able to fit inside because it was so low to the ground. He stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"What's wrong?" Bonney asked.

Law didn't know what to say, so he just attempted to get in the car, "nothing." When Law got the car his hair was touching the top of the car. Bonney didn't notice, but law was uncomfortable in the position he was sitting in. He just dealt with it, not saying anything about it.

When Bonney pulled out of the parking Lot she turned on then radio and turned the volume all the way up. Law jumped in his seat and looked at Bonney, but Bonney was to focused on the road. While Bonney was driving she was lip syncing and Law noticed it and started to laugh. Bonney didn't realize, but Law was laughing in front of her which was the first time he ever did that.

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