Chapter 1

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"NANCIE!" Betty and Evelyn shouted as they saw their best friend coming towards them and rest of the nurses.

"Betty! Evelyn!" Nancie squealed and ran into their arms. "I missed you two so much, how have you been?"

"Well Evelyn here has been getting quite cosy with your brother he's all she ever talks about."Betty exclaimed.

"Oh my god my brother and my best friend I knew there was something going on before he left Rafe couldn't stop talking about you Eveyln!" Nancie squealed clapping her hands.

Nancie hasn't seen Rafe or Danny in months, they have been away training and it annoyed her that they didn't sent a letter letting her know they was ok. To make matter worse she now knows Evelyn has seen her brother before her?!

"Really!" Evelyn squealed "what has he said!"
"Ssshhh calm down Rafe and Danny are over there." Betty whispered looking over and the boys. Before Nancie could run over to them she got interrupted.

"Oh and speaking of Danny, Rafe said he's been talking about you lately Nancie."Evelyn said winking knowing Nancie has a crush on Danny.
"Oohhh Danny and Nancie how cut-."

"Hello ladies." Danny and Rafe said walking up to the 3.

"Rafe! Danny! I've missed yous so much." Nancie shouted jumping into their arms. "Wait what am I doing." Nancie said slapping both of their faces.

"Owww." They both moaned "what was that for?"
"What was that for? that was for not writing to me or telling me you was coming to Pearl Harbour!" She said looking into both their eyes.

"Ok ok I'm sorry for not writing but I really missed you and I wanted to surprise you!" Rafe exclaimed to his sister. Nancie nodded and turned to look at Danny.

"Well I umm." Danny stuttered scratching the back of his neck. "Well." Nancie said tapping her foot.

"I did actually write to you and I sent you over a gift but it mustn't have came yet." Danny said going red. Nancies faced softened. "Oh umm" Nancie said nervously

"I'm sure it will arrive soon." Betty said cutting in "I'm gonna go and find someone so Nancie, Evelyn I'll see you back at the house."

"Bye."Evelyn and Nancie said at the same time.
"Well I'm gonna go for a walk want to join me Rafe." Evelyn said walking away.

"Oh um yeah I'll see you later Nancie, and Danny I'll meet you." Rafe said before going to catch up with Evelyn.

"So."Nancie and Danny said at the same time and started laughing. "Come on I want to show you something." Danny said grabbing her hand.

"Really." Nancie asked confused eying Danny up.
"Yeah say I'm making it up to you." He said with a grin on his face. "Ok solider." She smiled "let's go."

After 20 minutes of walking they finally arrived.
"Wow Danny this is amazing!" said a shocked Nancie. They was at a beautiful beach.

"Well I thought I would show it to you. This is where i used to come to think about you before you got a job as a nurse here." Danny said making Nancie blush.

Danny and Nancie have always had a crush on each over since they were teens but both of them didn't want to admit it.

"Come one let's go down there." Danny said braking the awkward silence and running towards the water, Nancie right behind him.

"Catch me if you can."Nancie said splashing Danny with the water and running away. Danny laughed and started gaining on Nancie and eventually caught up to her picking her up and started spinning her around.

"Put me down." Nancie laughed whilst splashing him more.

"Ok ok come on." Danny said taking Nancies hand and sitting on the sand watching the sun set.

"I really missed you Danny." Nancie yawned laying her head on Danny's shoulder.Danny stiffened a bit thinking to himself should I really be liking Rafes sister? Will he approve? But then he remembered what Rafe always used to say

Danny you and Nancie was meant to be together.

Danny got knocked out of his thoughts when Nancie moved in her sleep and layed her head on his lap.

"Come on Nancie let's get you home."

Danny carried Nancie bridle style and finally arrived to the house she was staying at with all the other nurses. He knocked on the door and was greeted with Betty who had a big grin on her face once she saw Nancie in Danny's arms.

"Do you mind if I put Nancie to bed?" Danny asked Betty who nodded and let him through. When Danny made it to Nancies room he tucked her in the covers and kissed her head and left a note.

"Goodnight beautiful I'll see you tomorrow." Danny whispered not knowing Nancie was awake he left the room and just smiled to herself before drifting off into noddyland.

As Danny made his way out Betty and Evelyn squealed. "Danny you didn't hear this from us but Nancie really likes you." Betty and Evelyn said to Danny "Well I really like her to0." Danny said and made his way to meet Rafe.

Nancie McCawley x Danny Walker COMPLETED✅ Where stories live. Discover now