Soon, Y/N's phone vibrated beside her. Luckily for her, it didn't seem Hyunjin or Lee Know had noticed the message on her screen. It was from Jimin. Y/N smiled at her screen as she instantly began messaging back. She was discussing where the date with him in the next couple of days would be, getting the postcode for the place she would need to head to. It was going to be fun, and she was excited for it.

A few days passed, and it was finally the day of Y/N's date with Jimin. The date wasn't for another few hours, so she had some time to spare for planning how she would sneak out of the house. Unfortunately the rule of no leaving the mansion alone was still a thing, and Bang Chan didn't seem to be planning to let it drop anytime soon. Y/N had already planned her outfit, in fact she was already wearing it. It was a thigh length black skirt, with an off the shoulder white sweater tucked in. Her hair was straightened, and she was wearing some laced ankle boots to match.

While hanging out with the boys, she received a lot of compliments on her outfit. She mainly wore jeans or shorts around them, unless on a job where she would need to seduce someone, so it wasn't usual for them to see her in a skirt. However, none of them seemed to be suspicious about her outfit. In fact, they mainly thought she just wanted a change in clothes. After all, they knew girls never made up their mind about clothes.

When the time came where Y/N had planned to sneak out for her date, the girl chewed on the inside of her cheek. Leaving the living room, where she was finally alone, the girl carefully peered around the lobby while she headed towards the front door to the mansion. Hearing some footsteps coming down the corridor towards the kitchen, Y/N hurried to exit the mansion through the front door and close it carefully behind her. She made sure nobody had heard or seen her by waiting by the front door to see if anyone would come investigate who had left. When nobody came, the girl speedily walked down the street towards where Jimin had told her to meet him.

She followed the postcode on her phone, taking every turn that she needed to until the phone told her to walk through an alley to get to her location. It wasn't too late, and there wasn't anybody around, so Y/N listened to the satnav and walked through the alley. Her old phone would always take her through alleys anyway, as short cuts to places she was supposed to get to, so she didn't think it as suspicious that the phone was taking her through an alley.

"You have arrived at your destination." Came the robotic voice from the sat nav on her phone. Y/N looked down at the phone in confusion. 'That's weird. This is a dead end...? Did I put the postcode in wrong?' Y/N thought to herself, before she began flicking through her phone to check if she had typed it wrong.

"You lost, pretty girly?" Came a mans voice from behind the young woman, causing Y/N to turn and face the man. Her face fell when she saw two strange men approaching her, and instantly she knew that she was in a bad situation. Without allowing the men to see, Y/N forwarded the postcode of where she currently was to Hyunjin.

As the men approached nearer, Y/N backed up until she was against the wall of the dead end. One of the men reached for her and her fight-or-flight instincts kicked in. The girl ducked under his arm, dropping to her hands and knees and crawling through his legs. The only way she would be able to escape is if she was to fight. Feeling a hand grab her ankle, Y/N twisted her body and kicked the man in the face. He didn't let go with the first kick, so Y/N kicked his face again, harder, and caused blood to drip from his nose. Finally, his hand loosened on her ankle and she was able to stand up. The second man stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her to try to restrain her, but the adrenaline in her body caused her to just throw herself forwards and flip him over her. Y/N wasn't sure how she managed to lift the man over her, but she wasn't complaining.

While her heart was racing in her chest, her breathing heavy, the girl began swinging punches towards the two men. They were blocking her punches easily, and when she began growing tired, she turned and tried to run. However, one of the men pushed the other man to help him catch up to her before she could escape. He grabbed her, and before she could scream he slammed a damp cloth over her mouth. The sudden grab caused Y/N to drop her bag. Dragging her back to the end of the alley, the man winced in pain as the young woman reached her hands up to try clawing at the mans face to get him to let go.

"Fuck, Suga, this bitch is a fighter." V growled, grabbing the girls hands and pinning them down by her waist, holding the damp cloth tightly against the woman's mouth and restraining her completely. Y/N thrashed about as much as she could, despite being completely restrained, to try getting out of his grip.

"Just wait, she'll give in soon." Suga muttered back, watching as the girl struggled in V's grip.

Y/N was trying not to breathe, the cloth being damp had caused her to freeze up in her breathing, not wanting to inhale whatever it was these men had splashed on it. However, she soon couldn't hold her breath anymore, and the young woman inhaled a deep breath of the sickly-sweet scent that radiated from the cloth. At first, nothing happened, but shortly after her inhaling the scent, Y/N felt her eyes becoming heavy. Her head began to feel dizzy, and soon her body relaxed as she passed out.

"Fucking finally. Let's get back before someone sees. Jimin owes us for doing this for him." V muttered, taking the cloth away from the girls mouth when he was certain she was genuinely passed out and slinging her over his shoulder. Suga went to go pick up the bag that the girl had dropped, but V shook his head. "Leave it. We only need her phone, plus it will allow our lovely enemy know we have their special Princess if they go searching for her."

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