Both cops together are too strong for me especially in the state I'm in right now. I can't fight them no matter how much I try.

I feel helpless.

I look around as strands of my hair fall over my eyes and I sniff trying to breathe through my nose forcing my lungs to inhale.

"Let me talk to her, please!" I beg the officers when I spot Everleigh. "Please!"

The officer bobs his head and they walk me to the girl in the black dress. Standing with her arms over her chest, she doesn't move her head but her eyes peer up at me. Her beady eyes are full with contentment as a smile stretches onto her face.

"Where is she?" I question through gritted teach. The metallic taste of blood in my mouth is a taunting reminder of everything that lead up to it.

The longer she takes to answer, the more I hate the way she's looking at me. I clench my fists behind me which are begging to be let free. I wouldn't hit her, but my rage needs an anchor and punching the wall would fulfil that desire. 

"No one knows. She disappeared," she says trying to hide her pleasure, but fails.

My jaw clenches and my body shakes trying to anchor the anger inside of me.

"Okay, let's go," the pigs drag me out before I can say anything.

When I got to the station, they let me wash my face. A nurse even stitched some of the cuts and gave me some painkillers.

They took all my belongings and fingerprints before briefing me down about the whole process. I don't remember anything they said because my mind was too busy worried about where Reese could be.

My senses were brought back the minute they told me to make one phone call to the person of my choosing.

They suggested I call my parents or a lawyer. I took the phone and dialled the number which was going to help me get what I wanted.

Since then, I've been locked up in this cell with a bunch of petty criminals and alcoholics. Even though my body is giving up, I couldn't sleep.

I still remember the look in Reese's eyes. I could see the strings of her heart, through her eyes, breaking one by one as the chaos in her mind processed. Her luscious pink lips, a little swollen from our one on one time earlier, parted as her breath stopped. Hurtful tears escaped down her flushed face in streams and I was unable to do anything besides watch.

I've seen her in pain before, but watching her be in pain and knowing it comes from something she believes I did, made me wanna be six feet under. There is nothing I wouldn't do to take that pain away from her; to completely wipe that moment away.

It makes it even worse because I didn't do it. A little sadistic, but if I had done it, then maybe her pain would've been worth it.

But, I didn't do what I've been accused of.

I never said those things. I would never in a million years disrespect any woman like that let alone Reese Price, that woman is my soulmate. I sound a little effeminate wording it like that but say it, however, it all ends up meaning the same thing which is that I respect her beyond words could describe. The last thing I would do is intentionally hurt her and ruin her happiness in any way.

In Her LaughOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz