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I felt a cold breeze rush over me. I shiver. Wait. I just got hit by a green light. I cant be alive can I? I felt two warm body over me. One felt like a campfire. One felt mild. I could feel my heart beating and my soft breathing. I heard the warmer body get off of me. Then I felt a hand. Over my heart. I was in shock. I softly move my eyelashes. Everything being blurry but got clear as I blink more and more. My hearing getting clearer. At first I saw two heads, then as my vision got fixed. I saw them. Mom and Harry. How long have I been here? How long have I layer here for? I saw moms face in pure utter shock. Glances at Harry then to me. Her mascara was run down here soken cheeks. Harry. He was sobbing. Crying. Breathing a little faster then normal. He looked relived and terrified at the same time. I decided to get up. But couldn't. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. I screeched in pain. My body ached. I felt like I was going to break. Harry swooped right next to me.

"Y/n ar- are y-ou o-ok? He sobbed. It was soft but yet violent. The pain in my chest getting worst and worst.

"My chest." I yelped. It hurt like someone had just stabbed me. I was wincing in pain.

"Let me check." My mom calmly said. She lifted up my shirt. To her horrer. There was a huge scar with blood running down it. "Harry. It's like yours."

"Wha-" Harry stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at it breaking down. "Oh my god."

Harry sobbed into his hands. I sat up this time. Determined to. I sat up. Wincing and squeezing my eyes shut of all the pain. I looked down at my chest to see a big scar. It looked like the shape of a lighting bolt. Just like Harry's. Wait. Why is this have to happen to me? I look around fully at my surrounding now. I see dad. Dad is dead on the floor. What the. Draco hovering over him but staring at me dead in the eye. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach. He started to walk over to me. Smirking widley.

"Well well well look what we have here. My sister isn't dead. She surrived just like her stupid boyfriend, Harry Pottah" Draco snickered.

"P-ss off Malfoy. You didn't even care. So shut up and get the acult f-ck away." Harry stated. He sounded heart broken and sad. Draco stared at mom.

"Draco leave. If your going to associate with her killer then go." Mom standing up and pulling out her wand. Draco got scared and backed away. He left to upstairs of the manor.

"Harry what do I do?" I said pointing at the scar.

"I can't do anything love" he said bursting into tears again. I felt bad for him really bad.

"Hey hey. It's ok. We can live as the chosen couple forever then." I giggled while wiping Harry's tears off his face whicth made him laugh.

"I love you." He said staring me straight in the eye. He never told me he loved me before. This was his first time. I felt so special. He really meant it. A single tear rolled down his face while he did.

"I love you too Harry. So much" I said pulling him in the biggest hug. We sat there swaying in each other arms for what seemed like forever.

"I wanna join." Mom said. I giggled. She came and gave us an even bigger hug. We sat there. For what seemed like hours in each other's arms. I loved these two people with all my heart.

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