The Manor

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I woke up bright and early today. Excited to see my mom. I missed her so much. I pulled on a light black shirt and gold shirt with a light green fuzzy coat. It was still quite cold. I pulled on white boots. I went to the bathroom and did my makeup. Nothing special. Just my everyday look. My lip color was red today. I curled my blonde hair. I went to the great hall and joined the Gryffindor table. There was few students. Harry being one of them. I sat next to him. He looked neverous.

"Hey bubs. What's wrong?" I frowned. I hated seeing Harry like this. It made me sad.

"Just nevous because I am meeting your mom today." He looked away. I

"Look at me Harry. I would never ever put you in danger." I grabbed him and turned him towards me. I smiled softly. We sat there for a while chatting. It was fairly early. It started getting more crowded. Before I knew it, Ron and hermoine were there.

"Good morning you two." I said as I pulled them into a hug. We sat down and all 4 of chatted about the school rumers. Dumbledore and McGonagall having an affair, bellatrix lestrange escaping from azacaban, Draco and the room of requirements, and fudge and his relationship with the daily profhet. The breakfast appeared out of no where. Today I had a waffle with chocolate chips. My fave. We finshed and I headed to my dorm to grab anything I needed to go to the manor. After that, I headed straight to the grynnador towers.

"Password?" The fat lady asked. Oh crap. I forgot the password. I waited there. For someone to open the door. Finnaly, someone came. It was Katie bell.

"Hello Malfoy. What are you doing here.?" She asked nicely.

"Oh just seeing Harry." I responded.

"Oh yes ofc. Sometimes I forget you too are dating." She walked out of the commen room. I entered and went to Harry's room. I opened the door and saw Harry in a darling sweater and jeans.

"Aww Harry you look darling." I ran over to him to give him a small kiss.

"You look gorgeous." Harry smiled. "Ready to go?"

"Always." I smiled. I grabbed his warm hand and lead him to the common room. Luckily, we were the only ones there. I put out a jar. I grabbed a handful of floo powder and headed over to the fireplace. We were traveling through the floo system. Harry grabbed a handful too. I tossed the empty jar away.

"Harry. You are going to say Malfoy manor secret. You will go after me. Dont worry we won't go through the main house only the basement."  I reassured him as I walked to the fireplace. I stood there staring at Harry. He nodded.

"Malfoy manor secret." I said as I throw the floo powder downs. I then felt like I was going through a never ending tunnel. I was twisting and turning like crazy. I have only traveled through the floo system 3 times. It was weird. I then burst out of a old fireplace. I sat up letting my vison refocus. I then realized I made it home. In my basement. I then heard a whisper.

"Hello?" I heard my mom call. I got up onto my feet and pulled out my wand.

"Lumos." I said. The room lite up and I saw my mom. She smiled at me. I ran over to her ans gave her the biggest hug. "Mom!"

"Sweetie! How did you get here." She let go of. Then suddenly came Harry. He slid out of the fire. His face dirty. I couldn't help but laugh. I went over to him and I helped him up. I led him over to mom.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Malfoy!" Harry stook out his hand.

"Hello Harry! Y/n has told me so much about you! Thank you so much for making her happy!" Mom pulled him into a hug. "Tea darlings?"

"Yes please." Me and Harry both said. Mom made up tea and biscuits. It was delicious. We all chatted for a while. Suddenly, we heard footsteps going down the stairs. Crap. We all turned our heads to face the stairs. As the footsteps got louder, the more we could see someone. That someone was father. Lucius Malfoy. He stood there shocked at how we got in there and Harry was there.

"Come up stairs." As a growing smirk grew on his face. I knew we couldn't escape him. We all slowly walked upstairs to see... (to be continued)

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