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I was overwhelmed with my emotions. How could he do that to me? After me spending about 6 months liking to just go and kiss Ginny. Something wasn't adding up but I was too tired. I didn't leave my dorm for 14 days. I couldn't bring myself too. I felt like I was going to be sick. The sence kept replaying over and over on my head like it was on repeat.  I barely left my bed. The twins would come sometimes to check on me. They had sadness in their voices. life just got worse. It felt like home. I was always an outcast at home. I always felt separated. I couldn't explain why. I hated home. I was in my thoughts crying when suddenly my owl flu into the my dorm with a letter. I quickly sat up and walked over to the letter. It was from mom. I grabbed the letter and opened it and walked back to the place I was sitting. Still thinking about Harry, I thought about how he made me so happy. I sat down and unfolded the parchment. It looked like it was stained with tears.

Dear y/n,
I miss you too. Hedwig was great and snuck the letter in. I'm so happy you are finally happy. I don't care who you date as long as your happy. If your happy, I'm happy. You should bring him over sometime. I love you so much honey and can't wait to see you soon. It's getting worse and worse here at the manor. I've heard screaming and yelling. Also many wand duels and terrible stuff. I hope you are safe I have also gotten caught a few times. I love you so so much and hope you are doing well.

I bursted into more slaty tears. I wasn't happy anymore. I cried sitting with the letter in my hands. I screamed and cried. I heard the door open but I kept crying my heart out. Because it hurt. A lot. To know my mother is in grave danger.. Someone swung around the conor. It was Harry.

"NO Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOURSELF!!!" Harry yelled. He rushed over to To see me crying. I felt so mentally exhausted and tried. He bursted into tears. He saw the letter from my mom in my right hand and my left hand to my face. Everything went black after that moment. I felt gone.

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