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Pansy dragged me back to the common room basically. She wanted to me to do her hair in braids because she liked her hair curly for the first day of school.

"Y/n, can you please do my hair?" Pansy begged.

"Of course pansy. Only if we can get ice cream in hogsmede this weekend!" I said

"Yessssss!" Pansy agreed. I started to do her hair by using my water sprayer and her hairbrush and then proceded to start to do the braids. We gossiped about drama and our summers. She would sometimes let out a owwwwwww or move her head. I did her hair in French braids. They looked so good!

"Pansy! You look so pretty!" I said

"YAYAYAYA!" Pansy got really excited!

"We should probably get unpacked and pick out our outfits for tomorrow. Then go to bed since we have a big day tomorrow!" I exclaimed!  Me and pansy then went to our dorms and started picking out our outfits.

"What are you wearing?" Pansy whined.

"It's a supriseeee" I yelled to her. I heard her groan.

"Goodnight pansyyyyyyy" I yelled to her

"Goodnight y/nnnnnnn" she yelled back.

I never was a great sleeper. I always would wake up or think too much. Today though it was thoughts. I was thinking about Harry. Why? I don't know. Maybe I'll never know. But I'm a Malfoy I can't let him in or think of him. But I was. I snapped out of it and went to bed.

Yes I know I spell things wrong I'm sorryyyyy!

malfoy... II h.p Where stories live. Discover now