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It's been a month since the incident. Me and Harry were closer then ever and our relationship was booming. Everything seemed to be going alright. I was passing all my classes and Draco was being his annoying old self. Well Ginny. Ginny is apologizing to me like 7 times a day. Quite annoying actually. I think she feels really bad for what she's done. I didn't talk to her for like 2 weeks. But I came to my senses and decided to accept it. The twins and me would hang out every friday. I would take Harry sometimes. We would go to hogsmede or just walk around the castle. I wrote back to my mom a lot. I wanted to make sure she was okay. I was worried for her. I missed her so much. Dad sucks. I hate him so much. Maybe in the summer, I can take mom to the burrow. Today has been a normal day. It was a Friday. I was planning my outfit to hang out with the twins when Harry came into my room. I gasped.

"Jeez Harry dont scare me like that." I jumped.

"Sorry, love." He started. "I have something to ask you."

"Spit it out." I giggled. He wasn't responding so he grabbed my wrist. He walked me out of my room into the common room being careful not to be spotting by Draco or pansy. Pansy was kind of a beech now. She was really bratty and strutted around the castle like she owned the place. It was ridiculous. She got in trouble a lot too. Harry lead me to a part of the castle I have never been.

"Harry where are we going?" I groaned. I was really tiered from class today.

"We are here." He said. We were standing in front of a blank wall. Huh? I had a confused look on my face. Suddenly, the wall started to move into a pattern. Then to a door. Oh my god. This is the room of requirement. We entered and it was a beautiful room with mirrors all around it with a fire place. It reminded me of the color blue. It had a really blue tint to it. Harry let me to the middle of it.

"Y/n. I want you to meet my parnets." He said. He sounded a bit shaky. I was confused.

"Wha-" I started

"I want to tell him if it's ok if your my girlfriend." Harry started to tear up.

"Oh Harry I am sure they will love that. I want you to meet my mom. Dont worry we will sneak in. I know all my ways around." I smiled. I felt like I was a light. I then went to Harry lips and gave him a soft gentle kiss. He just beamed at me. We left the room of requirement and I went to my dorm to write to my mom. I got my favorite quill and parchment.

Dear mom,
I miss you so much. I am going to go to the Malfoy manor tomorrow with Harry. I want to see you. Dont worry we wont get caught. I know my way through. I love you.
I sealed it up and sent it. I went to go find Harry. He was in the great hall waiting for dinner to start.

"Hey Harry. We are going to see my mom tomorrow." I smiled at him.

"Where?" He questioned

"Malfoy Manor."

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