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We walked up the stairs with Lucius guiding us with a growing smirk on his lips. When we got to the top of the stairs, he opened the black bulky door. He turned the golden handle. The door slowly opened up to see 2 death eaters sitting at the table. Bellatrix leastrange and. My brother. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. I felt like being sick. My brother. Draco Malfoy. No no no. I didn't like him but I was worried for him. He looked pale, stiff, and icy. Was he a deatheater? I was at a lost for words. My eyes became watery. My insane aunt was with him.

"Is that Harry Potter?" Bellatrix gasped. "And is that your twin, Draco? What is she doing with Harry Potter?"

Anger started to rise in me.

"Yes it is." I spoke out. I was shaking, knowing she could kill me at any second.

"Ahh this is easy we can turn him over to the dark lord." Bellatrix smirked wildly. "And are you ready to get your dark mark, just like your perfect brother."

My eyes shot directly to Draco. His eyes wondered trying to avoid eye contact with me. So it's true then. Draco Malfoy was definitely a deatheater. Then my eyes shot to Harry. He looked so tired of this losing game. He has been hurt too many times in his life. I couldn't let him feel more powerful and terrible pain. Suddenly, I remembered I have my wand. My hand reached towards my waist band of my pants. That's where I kept my wand. I was terrified. I forgot that Lucius was still there. He walked away to go with the others. Not my mom, Harry, or me dared to move. I needed to make a change.

"I will never join you or Voldemort ever." I stepped forward trying to be as brave as I can. Draco sat there watching. That brat.

"I won't never in a million years join you. If I had a chose between being a deatheater and death, I'd choose death." I said raising my wand. "EXSPELLARUMS."

Bellatrix's wand flew out of her hand. She looked insane. Lucius and Draco got their wands at the ready. So did mom and Harry. Before everyone knew it, it was a full on fight. Spells casted in and out of our wands. Me and Draco held a wand spark for quite a while. I then let go and disarmed him. It was hard for me to go against my bother but it was the right thing to do. It felt like we had been doing it for quite a while. Then I saw my mom struggling. I couldn't let her die or get hurt. So, I rushed over to her. Lucius hit her with a hard curse. He then went to do it again.

"STUPFY" I yelled. He went flying back. "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR HURTING MY MOTHER."

I helped my mother get up.

"Are you ok?" I smiled at her.

"Yes. I'll be fine." She responded. We separated as Lucius got up from my curse. He then stared directly at me. Rasising his wand. He looked angry, mad angry. I knew this couldn't be good. I stood there bracing my self for a stupfy charm, but i didn't think he would do anything bad since I am his daughter.

"AVADA KEDAVA" He yelled as a green light erupted from his wand. Hitting me directly in the heart. I collapsed to the floor. As I hit the floor, I couldn't hear anything. I only looked at the beautiful surroundings for a spilt second. Knowing that this was the last time I would be on earth. Then as I knew it, everything went black. I couldn't feel any pain or anything any more.

malfoy... II h.p Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ