First day

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I woke up to pansy shaking me. It's not the most pleasant way to wake if you ask me.

"Oh my god pansy it's still dark outside go back to bed." I whined with my eyes still closed. I was trying to grab her and push her away but I couldn't find her.

"Y/N GET UP." Pansy was practically yelling. She resumed shaking me.

"What time is it?" I asked thinking it was 2AM

"5AM" Pansy said. I opened my eyes and lightly rubbed them to see. I turned on a lamp to see pansy.

"Why did you wake me up at this hour?" I questioned still sitting on my bed confused.

"It's the first day of classes idiot. We have to get ready." Pansy exclaimed with excitement and neverousness. I had completely forgotten. I leaped out of bed to start getting ready. I went to my wardrobe to put on my outfit. (Pretend we are aloud to wear our robes and aloud to wear other clothes) I pulled on a skintight long sleeve black shirt and a Emerald green skirt with a silt. I tucked the shirt in my skirt. I put on some black doc martins and a snake necklace. I went into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair. By that point it was 5:30. Breakfast started at 7:30. I put on emerald eyeshadow and did my eyeliner. I put on my favorite mascara and applied red/pink lipgloss. I felt pretty. I never feel that feeling. I curled my luscious blonde hair that fell right perfectly below my shoulders. I sprayed hairspray that I almost choked to death of how strong it was. I walked out of the bathroom and turned to go see pansy. She was stunning. Pansy had a green sweatshirt with white lines and cuffed jeans with boots. She stared at me with her mouth open.


"LOOK AT YOURSELF" I said. We ran down to the common room to see Blaise and Draco sitting there talking. Draco and blaises stared at us for a minute.

"Is that my sister? I'm confused." Draco giggled
"Pansy you look great"

"You both look stunning" Blaise said. Me and pansy giggled and turned a light pink. I thanked him.

"Can we go to breakfast?" I said. My stomach was almost growling.

"Yeah" the 3 of them said. All 4 of us went up to the great hall. All eyes were on us. Me and pansy walked in togther. I was whispering to her. But that's when I saw him. Harry James potter staring right at me. I couldn't help it but I turned pink. Almost red. Time seems like it slowed down. Harry then broke the eye contact by hermoine and Ron turning him around. My heart hurt. From that. I turned back to pansy and we found our spots for breakfast. Blaise and Draco came soon after us.

"Can you believe it? The whole school was looking at us!" Pansy squealed.

"No I can't!" I responded. We all ate our breakfast whicth was toast, sausages, tomatoes, eggs, and fruit. It was delicious. We were chatting having the time of our life's. We then got up and walked to our first class hagrids! I loved that class it was one of favorites! We always have fun! We got there just in time. I was disappointed because we have it with hufflepuffs. Not gryndors.

"Oy ladies and gentlemen today I want you to bond since it's the er first er day!" Hagrid said. I was so excited! That class went by so fast I feel like. My last class that day was potions. Ugh the worst I hated it. I had to pretend to like it. It was annoying. When I got there, I almost fainted. It was with grynndors. Oh my god.

"Are you okay, Malfoy?" Pansy said.

"Ya I'm fine." I shallowed.

"Sleince!" Snape cried. Everyone shut up and turned to snape. Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Play nice parkison" snape snarled "anyways, I will be assigning partners for the rest of the year." Everyone shot up and listening. I was hoping to be with pansy.

"Lets start with Blaise and pansy" I sighed. "Next is y/n and potter." My heart stopped. I cant. Draco is going to kill me. I felt like I was consumed by own thoughts. I looked at Harry then back down at my feet.

"Class dismissed" snape said

"Come on y/n." Pansy said. Me and her walked out of there. I felt too many emotions. I couldn't deal with it. Was I excited? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Am I bunch of diffent emotions now? Yes. I went to lunch and ate some soup that was delicious.

"You good sis?" Draco asked a little worried.

"Ya. Just a stomach ache." I said. I lied to my own brother. Wow. I turned around to stare at Harry. He looked up and then down back at his food. I got up and left immediately. I couldn't do it.

"Where are you going Malfoy?" Blaise and pansy asked.

"To my dorm. To get some rest and medicine." I replied and walked away. I went to the common room and went to my dorm and just cried. Why? I don't know. I cried for what felt hours and went to sleep.

malfoy... II h.p Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora