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"harry we need to get to somewhere safe." i said. worried for the safety of my boyfriend.

"but voldemort he's still out there he needes to be defeated and i have to be the one to kill him." harry looked at me with distress. i put my hand on his. "i have to go to hogwarts."

"why?" i asked.

"because he's going there. he's on the move. he wants to destroy and get inside of me to get me weak to try and k- ki- kill me." harry's voice croaked. i knew how painful this was to him. tears welled at his eyelashes.

"i know harry, but not just you. i'm going with you no matter what because i love you and nothing can tear tear us apart." my eyes now were welling with tears. a tear dropped from his eye, then mine. he wrapped his arms around my body.

"i love you so much y/n, but i really don't want you to go. i don't want to put you in danger again." he said as tears started to wet my shirt.

"harry, your so selfless. but it's my time to help you." i said.


"yes" i said as i stood up and held out my arm. "we have to appart to hogwarts."

"you sure you want to do this?"

"positive" i said as he wrapped his arm around mine. i gave him a reassuring look before we aparted. before we knew it, we were there at hogwarts. but it wasn't the loving, welcoming place it was before. there was fire and so much fighting. black clouds swarmed the area. there was creatures of every size. death eaters left and right. i looked at harry and he looked back. both of us not knowing if we would make it out. i pulled him into a hug. he hugged me so so tight.

"i love you so much harry." a tear dropping from my eye.

"i love you more y/n" he sniffled. i pulled him in for one last kiss and then we were off. spells were being casted left and right. trying to duck them with all the creatures around was hard. tonight harry and i had one thing, to kill the dark lord. i searched the castle to see if i could find any sign of voldemort. i ran into luna as i was walking up the stairs to ravenclaw tower. i pulled her into a quick tight hug.

"hello y/n" luna said to me in a calm voice.

"hello luna! any sign of voldemort?" i panicked a little. scared if i didn't know where he was.

"no i haven't seen him." luna said. my heart dropped. all these thoughts ran through my head. what if we can't find him. and so many more.

"luna if  i don't make it, i love you and i hope you have an amazing life." i said. tearing up again.

"dont say that y/n. i love you too." she said a little shaky. i pulled her into one last hug and waved to her. as i got to the top of the stairs, i found one of voldemort's most loyal followers, greyback. i gasped as i saw him and hid behind a poll. right as i exhaled. he throw a spell, destroying the poll i was standing behind. he flew a green spell at me but i pulled my wand out fast enough for us to be in duel. his green overpowered my red i thought of all my good memories at hogwarts and harry. right before the green touched my wand, my red spell shot back, sending greyback flying back and chasing
him to fall off ravenclaw. i stood to there after that happened shocked and confused at what just happened. how did i just do that? how did my memories have so much power that caused greyback to fly? i snapped out of it because i knew i was wasting time. i hurried down the stairs to find harry in a sweat. blood stained his pale skin. i immediately ran over to him. he fell into my arms.

"baby it's ok. i promise stay with me a little longer." i cried. i couldn't live without him. i leaned over to kiss his cheek. our stomachs touched. but right when i tried to kiss his cheek, something zapped. it felt like a 100 mph wind had hit us both. harry sat straight up. i gasped. his scars were all gone. (the lighting bolt scar is still there don't worry)

"what just happened?" harry asked with confusion in his voice.

"uh...i don't know...WAIT!" i yelped. "maybe we were zapped because my scar touched your skin. maybe because we both have a scar from the killing curse. maybe it can heal is both when we are in dire need."

"oh my god you're right. y/n you are brilliant!!" harry jumped onto me. i laughed. "now we have to find him."

i took his hand into mine and we ran to the bottom of the stairs. i stopped dead in my tracks when i saw straight ahead. voldemort was standing right there. he looked around and then finally to us. me and harry look at each other with a look of reassuring and shock that he's right there.

"ah great to see you have joined me potter and malfoy." voldemort sneered, "i am disappointed you chose to stay on hogwarts side unlike your family. you are a disgrace to the last name now."

i sighed.

"it's now time to end it all. goodbye." his voice echoed.

"AVADA KEDVA" he yelled as green shot out of his wand.

"EXPELLUARMUS." we said as red shot out of our wand. our red towered over the green and voldemort had a face of panic. right when the red got to his wand, it flew out of his hands. his face was now evaporating into the air in pieces. me and. harry looked at each other and smiled. we killed voldemort. i ran over to him and jumped onto him. my legs flew around his waist and he spun me. he gave a kiss on the lips. i couldn't be happier because we were finally free. harry was finally free.

"harry i have a crazy idea."

"what is it?"

"we should runaway to the beach or the forest."

"i can just imagine it already."

malfoy... II h.p Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin