Chapter twenty three

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•panic attack

It had been days, and Patton and Logan were finally starting to talk to each other again.

...Over text, at least.

It was progress, though!

Group chat

Romano: who keeps changing the group chat's name to group chat

Romano has changed the group chats name to 50 shades of gay

Logan: Are you serious, Roman?

Romano: have u evr known me to be serious

Logan: You are insufferable, at least type correctly.

Romano: in this day and age, i dont think any1 knows how to type lolzz

Virgil: Calm down ya'll, this is the most boring conversation i've ever seen, and I didn't even have any friends a month ago

Roman has changed Virgil's name to JoyKiller

Virgil has changed his name to killjoy

Romano: how is that better

Killjoy: Because you didn't come up with it

Romano: :(

Killjoy: : ' )

Pattton: hey guys!!!!!

Logan: Oh, god.

Pattton: what?

Logan: Well, for one, your name has three t's in it.

Pattton: well, you've always called me extra

Logan: That's because you are.

Logan: It's been a while since we've talked.

Pattton: its been like three days?

Logan: That's a long time for people who've been best friends since kindergarten.

Killjoy: Imagine having friends from the age of five, who you still keep in touch with and have awesome memories with, I-

Romano: We don't HAVE to imagine it lmao

Pattton: wow you're mean

Logan: Get yeeted boi!

Killjoy: Patton, for the love of god, burn his vocab cards

Pattton: oh, he's just having fun : )

Logan: I most certainly am not. What even is a 'yeet?'

Romano: you have much to learn

Killjoy: Hey, is Pat back with his parents yet?

Pattton: I texted my dad, he said that mom's still burning pictures of me

Killjoy: how about we burn her?

Logan: I'm perfectly okay with that idea.


Pattton: lol guys, thanks

Patton: he's telling me that this is basically child abuse/neglect, so, he knows that kids who deal with that are depressed and have anxiety and stuff, so he comes over to see me like, every day, to make sure I don't feel neglected. But he knows he can't make up for my mom, and he's told me that, but he's enough. I never really liked my mom anyways

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