Chapter twenty two

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Virgil had woken up early, as usual. He hated it, he wasn't a morning person, but he couldn't wake up late. And it was crazy, because he went to sleep late every night.

The life of an insomniac.

He groaned, stretching out, and was genuinely freaked out when it sounded like he broke his shoulder as he was stretching.

His eyes grew faster than the grinch's heart when he realized something was wrong with his arm.

'No. Nononono, not today' he wailed in his mind. He didn't want to acknowledge it, but he had to. And he hated it.

He got up slowly, only to have his thoughts confirmed. And he was horrified.

His arm was asleep, and his hand was numb. It felt like it was weighing him down, and he absolutely hated every second of it as he waited for the numbness to pass.

He hated when it happened. But it happened to everyone so why complain.

Once his arm started to get feeling back, he went to his bathroom to brush his teeth and such, then walked downstairs. Why? He didn't know. He would find out.

When he finally got to the bottom step, he heard some voices. "Alessandra, dear" Clinton spoke, as he watched his wife finish brewing his cup of coffee, "look, I know you're worried, but he'll be fine. He has friends now, and he seems to be doing really well in his public speaking class, things are really turning around" he smiled.

"Oh, I know, but i'm just worried that he'll get..scared, you know, you've always been very tough on him, and he can't help it either. It's not his fault he can't talk, and he thinks you think less of him because of maybe he's insecure" Alessandra explained.

"Oh, i'm not..that hard on him, Virgil's my boy!" He smiled.

"Yes, yes, I know. Still, you've got to show him the same love you show Remy, and that love has to be unconditional."

"Oh, alright." He grumped, before showing kinder eyes, "look, dear, I know i'm not always here, or around the house to help out, but that doesn't mean I love you-or our kids any less. It's just-you know my eyes have been opening up recently. I've been so stressed, i've been fighting to keep my job, and I've never been the best employee-"

"God knows that, how'd you even get the job in the first place?" She teased.

He glared at her, "but I just want you to know, i've been trying as hard as I can. I want to be able to support this family, but it's just so hard to.."

"Oh, Andrew, I know you do, and I really hope you can keep your job, but it's fine if you can't, because we already have so much money saved up, plus, I have a very stable job- and just look at Virgil and Remy's college money! People have told me that it seems impossible to save anywhere near that amount, but we are very well off, and we can afford to live off of one income. It wouldn't hurt a bit."

"Thanks dear, but I still need to do my share for our family-"

"As long as we can put food on the table, and put clothes on our children's backs, it's enough. The house has been paid off for years now, so mortgage isn't a problem. Just bills, and taxes."

"Alright" He sighed, his cup of coffee being placed into his hands as he took the first sip.

"Wait, dad cares about us? ..AND his job?!" Remy asked quietly, making Virgil jump because holy crap he came out of no where.

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