Anastacius would just read her a book or the two would just talk. Anastacius has learned about his daughters health condition. Anastacius was not happy about his daughter being in that kind of dangerous situation, giving Anastacius more reason to not give his daughter back to those people that his past lovers so called family.

Anastacius refused to let his darling daughter to be around people who only end up harming her.

Anastacius had received a letter from Makarov. It was a list of ones to come along with his daughters pet.

Anastacius looked at a picture of the young red haired woman.
Anastacius looked at the note that had information about her.

Name: Erza Scarlett

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Erza is a very capable young woman. She has been using a sword ever since she was young. Erza is an S- Class wizard meaning she is stronger then any royal guard you have ever seen.

Anastacius was amused at this one. But he was still not sure. He had other people on the list to go through so he flipped to another page to see another young woman with dark blue eyes and white silver hair

Name: Mirajane Strauss

Age: 19

Sex: Female

Mira can be very useful as a maid but do not be fooled by her innocent looking face. She can use Take over magic that allows ger to temporarily obtain powers of a demon

Anastacius moved on to the next page. A green haired lad that looked as strict as the red head.

Name: Freed Justine

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Freed can be very useful as a personal guard for Y/n. Freed and young Y/n have fought together before and are acquainted with each other well.

That was all that was said about the green haired man. Anastacius sighed and put the papers down. He looked at the time and saw it was almost 10:00.

Anastacius stood up from his desk and quickly walked out of the door and twords his daughters room.

"Y/n darling, it's almost 10" Anastacius said as he walk in his daughters room to see Y/n sitting in front of her vanity.

Y/n looked behind her and gave her father a small smile.
"Anastacius" Y/n said as she got up from her seat. Anastacius looked at the dress
Y/n was waring. It was looked absolutely beautiful on his lovely little girl.

Anastacius eyed the little pendant that hung around his daughters neck

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Anastacius eyed the little pendant that hung around his daughters neck.
Anastacius has not heard the story of that necklace yet.

Anastacius smiled softly at his dearest little girl.
"Shall we?" Anastacius held his hand out. Y/n giggles and took Anastacius's hand.

The two walk hand in hand to the big willow tree like always. Anastacius pulls a book out and Y/n gets comfortable next to Anastacius and leaned her head down on his arm since she was to short to reach his shoulder.

"What a beautiful day" Y/n whispered. Anastacius hums in agreement
"Yes. Why don't we do something different for tomorrow" Anastacius said as he gripped his daughters little hand that he had not let go of.

"Ok. Then lets go shopping" Y/n bluntly said, her eyes still closed.
"My cousins birthday is next week. I need to look my best, right?" Y/n said as a smirk forms her lips.

Anastacius chuckled.
"I don't mind." Anastacius said as he lets go of Y/n's hand and wrapped his arm around Y/n and pulled her closer to him. Anastacius used his other hand to hold
Y/n's hand that he was holding eirler with his other hand.

The two stay that way for a little longer intil Anastacius spoke.
"Darling?" Anastacius said his little nickname for his daughter as Y/n just hummed as to answer Anastacius.

"I have seen you with that necklace without fail. What is the little story behind it?" Anastacius asked. Y/n opened her eyes a little.

Y/n touched her necklace that was around her neck.
"It was a birthday present from my brothers" Y/n said with the most softest voice he has ever heard his daughter use.

"Your brothers?" Anastacius said as he looked down to his little girl.
Y/n looked up at Anastacius her real eye color showing only a little.

"Yeah, Gray and Lyon" Y/n bluntly stated.
"I miss them" Y/n said in a low whispered as she looked down to thw floor, but Anastacius could still hear her.

'She missed them? Why would she miss them, they aren't her real family. I am' Anastacius angrily thought to himself as his grip on Y/n's hand became tighter.

Y/n didn't mind that though. She liked how warm Anastacius hands could be for a dead guy. Y/n mantely chuckled at her little joke.
"Why do you call them your brothers. You are not truly blood related" Anastacius said. Y/n was completely oblivious to the cold tone he had used.

Y/n just smiled lazily
"We have been through hell together. We have killed for one another. And we would most likely die for each other. Like any other sibling would do" Y/n said as she snuggled into Anastacius's chest.
" Only love and trust is what it takes to be family. Not blood" Y/n said while smiling

"That is why everyone in the Fairy Tail guild see each other as close friends or Family" Y/n said.
"I see" Anastacius frowns. He never knew how deep his daughters love for these people were.

He was going to take that love his daughter has and keep it all to himself. So no one else can know how it feels to feel this warm feeling his daughter gives him when she smiles.

Ice Cold [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now