Chapter 17

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Y/n sighed as she plopped down on her bed. She sighed deeply feeling her stomach turn.

She clenched her stomach and groans in pain. It was night time. And by tomorrow she and Anastacius had to meet with the Emperor.

She felt so weak. And all she wanted was dame hug. She wanted someone anyone to tell her that she was going to be ok and that she will be home again. With her family.

Y/n just sighed as she got under the sheets. She felt her eye lids go down and her breathing started to slow down, she could feel her skin go cold.


Two kid could be seen playing in the snow. One was a boy and the other was a girl that seem to be a dew years younger.

"Big brother look. I made a little snowman family!!" Thr little girl shouted with a smile.

The boy smiled lightly and walked next to his little sister.
"Wow this is good work. Your a natural!" The boy said as he hugged his sister and kissed her forehead.

The little girl giggled.
"Thank you~" The girl hugged her brother back.

Little Y/n looked up to the tan boy who clamed too be her brother.

She belived the boy was her brother. He had his mother's eyes. She remembers those light gray eyes anywhere.

"Y/n?" Little Y/n looked up to her brother with a smile.
"Yes brother?"

The little boy ran his fingers through her hair
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

Little Y/n giggled.
"Im gonna marry big brother!"

The boys eyes widen at the answer. He then smiled and hugged Y/n.


Y/n woke up in pain. The pain was mostly forming in her stomach.
But like the strong and stubborn girl she was she sucked it up and got ready.
She put her clothes on and left her hair down.
She had her breakfast in her room.

Y/n looked at herself in the mirror. Thinking on how she is even alive at this point. A knock was heard making Y/n snap out of her thoughts.

"Miss. The Duke is waiting for you." Iris is heard from the other side of the door.

"Yes. Tell him I will be down in a few minutes" Y/n said as she sat in her bed while sighing.

She felt pain in her head and then in her stomach. She closed her eyes and breathed in and out to calm her thoughts.

This has happened before. It happens randomly and she is not getting used to it. Every time this happens the more pain increases.

Y/n decided that she should meet up with her father.

Anastacius waited for Y/n outside near the carriage. He had been seeing that Y/n has been sleeping less. He tried to talk to her about it but she would always avoid the subject.

It kinda ticked him off. His little girl won't tell him anything. He can see the black magic that's in her. He was just waiting for Y/n to come clean and tell him, but she never did.

She should trust him by now.

"Hey Pa!" Y/n ran twords Anastacius and gave him a hug. Anastacius smiled and had all negative thoughts disappear from his mind and hug his dear daughter back.

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