4. Jealous much?

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You've been dating your boyfriend Corpse for almost 2 years now and you've never been this happy.

You were currently getting ready to go to the café nearby with corpse. 

Y/n: hun i'm ready (you said screaming from your bedroom)

Corpse walked into your room and put his arms around your waist as you were almost done getting ready. He planted soft kisses on your neck making you blush

Corpse: You ready beautiful (he said still kissing you)

Y/n: y yes..(you said smilingly still wanting him to kiss you)

You and Corpse left the house and grabbed the keys before entering the car. He held the door for you like a gentleman.

Y/n: always a gentleman I see..

Corpse made a kissing face and chuckled. You listened to your favourite songs before reaching the café.

You entered the café grabbing a seat next to an elderly couple. The couple looked like they were in their 60s and they looked at each other as if they were drowning in love. Looking at them made you feel happy and secretly wished that you and Corpse would age together

Corpse: hey..you okay? (he said rubbing his thumb over your hand)

Y/n: yea its just that those couple there look so happy 

Corpse: yea they do (he said with a smile)

Just then the waitress came up to the table

Waitress: may I take your order ?

Corpse: uh yea one minute, Y/n what do you wanna have?

The waitress's eyes went wide on hearing corpse and you looked at her. "Why the fuck was she blushing ?" you thought to yourself

Y/n: uhh yea i'd like to have a double espresso and a blueberry muffin please (you said looking at the waitress)

Corpse placed his order as well and you both spent some time talking.

Y/n: ill be right back (you said heading over to the washroom)

Corpse nodded and waited for you when the waitress went over to corpse as soon as she saw you leave

Waitress: um hey.. 

Corpse: yea? 

Waitress: could I maybe get your number if you don't mind?

Just as Corpse was about to speak, you kind of heard their conversation but didn't understand what exactly were they speaking

Corpse: sorry I have a girlfriend... (he said in a serious tone)

You sat down and your ears grew wide open as well as your eyes. 

Waitress: oh okay sorry (she said in a low voice) 

Y/n: ummm corpse what the heck was that?

Corpse: uh....she wanted my number...(he said not knowing how you would react)

Y/n: oh.. okay..

Corpse and Y/n continued to speak but corpse noticed that Y/n wasn't really in the mood. He kin of figured it out that she was upset with the waitress but he didn't ask her about it.

When they were done with their breakfast, they headed over to their car and Corpse still being a gentleman opened the door for her and she kindly smiled at him.

Corpse: umm.. Y/n are you okay? (he asked knowing well what was bothering her)

Y/n: yea I'm fine...(she said trying to sound calm)

Corpse simple smiled and the whole ride was silent with the song playing in the background. They soon reached their apartment. Y/n went over to her bedroom to get dressed and Corpse grinned following her into the bedroom

Y/n was just about to change her outfit when

Y/n: Corpse...what the heck.. you scared me (she said in a startled voice)

Corpse: its just me babe... (he said tugging her hair strand behind her ear)

Corpse was now so close to her face and Y/n hated when he did that because it always made her red as a tomato even though she should've been used to it by now

Corpse: someone was uh.. Jealous today? (he said coming closer and grinning)

Y/n: whh-aat no I wasn't. why would I be jealous

Corpse: hmm really then...(he said before pulling her into a long kiss)

The kiss felt loving, it felt like Y/n was re-living her first kiss with Corpse when he had kissed her passionately while watching the stars in the night. Oh how beautiful that moment was to her

After what felt like an eternity of bliss, Y/n pulled back, unable to process it

Y/n: I... uhhh (she was lost and she could see is Corpse's pink lips and she wanted to kiss him even more but she looked up at him smiling)

Corpse: you never need to be jealous babe...i'm all yours (he said pecking her cheeks)

Y/n:  I love you Corpse...(she said with the biggest smile)

Corpse: I love you so fucking much Y/n (he said before kissing her again and he could feel her smile grow wide)

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