13. A Misunderstanding (Pt.2)

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Hey its me, I need a favour


wow didn't expect a text so fast


I need to meet you at the café at 5 *sends address* 


a café ?


yea just show up on time


fine okay, you could come over to my house later then?


we'll see 

Y/n sighed still anxious about who that person was that Corpse was talking to. 

*time skip to 5*

Y/n dressed up, fixing her face after a long day of crying. She was determined to go to the café to meet that person. She hoped into the car and finally arrived at the café. She waited outside waiting for her Ex. He finally came and they entered the café. Y/n's eyes scanned every table but to no avail. Finally her eyes landed on a table with a tall guy with curls over his eyes and a mask on. She would recognise that face anywhere. 

Y/n: lets sit there (she pointed to a table right in front of Corpse's)

Ex: okay

They went up to the table. They sat down and ordered some lattes

Ex: so how did you think of messaging me?

Y/n: don't flatter yourself, I just needed a favour

Ex: yea right but my offer still stands...(he said with a smirk)

Y/n: what offer?

Ex: at my place...maybe we can work things out. 

Y/n rolled her eyes at that statement when suddenly a man comes up to them

Corpse: Y/n??? What are you doing here? Isn't this your ex? You said you were busy.. (his voice sounded confused yet angry)

Y/n: I'm here the same reason you're here... 

Corpse: what are you talking about? 

Y/n: I heard your conversation with them. I had come to your house but overheard your conversation. (she said standing up)

Corpse: Y/n....its not -

Y/n: I know what we had meant nothing to you and you know what its fine. It was my fault I actually developed feelings for you...(her eyes filling up)

Y/n walked out of the café and her Ex followed her. Corpse stood there confused. 

He turned around and walked to his table.

Corpse's sister: is it her? 

Corpse: um yea she misunderstood our conversation when she came over 

Corpse's sister: she's really pretty now I know why you wanted advice

Corpse: yea...it's of no use now

Corpse's sister: are you really gonna give up so easily? Go right now and clear things up, her ex looks like a shitty person

Corpse: yea you're right...

Corpse walked out of the café trying to figure out where Y/n must've gone. He looked around when he saw her ex 

Ex: ooh look who it is? so you were the guy who broke her heart huh

Corpse: where's y/n (his voice high pitched which scared Y/n's ex)

Ex: she um.. she's headed to her house

Corpse got into his car and drove as fast as he could. 

Corpse's pov:

her ex told her she went to her house. Every part of me was hurt when she said that whatever it was between us didn't mean anything to me. Of Course it meant the world to me. Did she really think so little of me?

Corpse reached Y/n's apartment and hastily rung the bell. Y/n opened the door and saw Corpse standing. She was about to shut the door but Corpse stopped her

Y/n: Corpse just leave me alone rn

Corpse: no we need to talk 

Y/n: there's nothing to talk about okay? You love someone else and that's fine just leave me 

Corpse: that was my sister (he said in a loud  yet calmvoice)

Y/n's eyes grew wide. Unable to process anything. 

Y/n: she....she was your sister?

Corpse: yea my younger sister that I told you about

Y/n: what? I don't understand 

Corpse: can I come in?

Y/n opened the door and let Corpse in. They were now standing face to face.

Corpse: My sister had come to my house right before you did. She probably must've left the door open. I was talking to her and wanted to meet her since I wanted some advice...

Y/n: advice..?

Corpse: Y/n.... I love you...a lot, and I was nervous about telling you afraid of getting rejected. You're so beautiful and so much better than me. I don't even know why you'd like me in the first place. I wanted some advice from my sister about that. She wanted to help me since i'm so clueless about relationships and I didn't know you would take it the wrong way.

Y/n: Corpse... (y/n was now staring into Corpse's eyes which were also full of tears) 

She went closer to him before pulling him into a long kiss. Oh how sweet and loving his lips felt. Almost like she was kissing him for the first time. After a minute or so, she pulled back, their foreheads still touching 

Y/n: I love you Corpse and no I'm not better than you. You made me feel happy when no one did. I love everything about you. And everyday that love just keeps increasing. 

They both chuckled with tears still in their eyes and foreheads touching.

Corpse wiped Y/n's tears before kissing her again but this time passionately like he was longing for her. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms tightly around him. He quickly carried her, making her wrap her legs around him and he couldn't help but smile through her kiss. He carried her into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed slowly breaking the kiss.

Corpse: I love you so fucking much.


A/n: hope you liked it, hydrate yourselves luvs <3

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