10. deffo flurting

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You were Rae's roommate for almost a year now and you had played with her gamer friends as well. You loved playing with them. It was Rae's birthday and you wanted to do something special for Rae since she had always been by you side. You decided to text Poki


Hey Poki


Hi y/n, what's up :)


It's Rae's birthday next week and I wanted to plan a part for her, please help me out <3


ooh ofc  ill help you Y/n, so what do you have in mind?


I want to throw a surprise party and was hoping y'all would come


ofc we'll be there


okay cool i'll tell the others too

You invited Felix, Poki, James Charles, Jack, Sean, Corpse, Brooke and some others

You were friends will all of them but as you got to know Corpse, you both started talking a lot more. Almost every night y'all would facetime, sometimes y'all would fall asleep on the facetime only to wake up in the morning for Corpse to burst into laughter after hearing you snore.

You decided to make a groupchat to plan things out

WhaddupBitches 💅

Felix: wow you couldn't name the group anything else

James: whaddup sister

Y/n: Felix stop acting like my dad rn 😑

Felix: never

Poki: hi everyone 

Corpse: heyy

Y/n: her birthday is next week so we gotta start planning biches

Brooke: we're all coming right?

Sean: yes

Sean: Do we have to get anything for deco?

Y/n: nope ill arrange for that, btw so everyone will be coming on the day of the party itself?

Corpse: I will be landing one day before so ill book a hotel and then come over to yours

Y/n: wait why a hotel? you can stay with us Corpse

Corpse: you don't mind? and what about Rae

Y/n: hell nah we don't just come over okay

Felix: guys guys I have a plan. We'll kidnap Rae and then when she opens her eyes, she'll be in an amusement park!

Corpse: Felix wtf

Sean: I swear to god felix wtf

Y/n: You sure you're a grown ass man?

Felix: I hate all of you :(

Y/n: okay so everything's decided, ill text yall the address in a minute 

You continued talking to the group and the day went by quickly 

*the day before Rae's birthday*

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