Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

~the next day~

Lucy's POV
I'm in a dark basement, I'm not sure where exactly but something feels wrong... different almost. All I can hear is the quiet drops of a leaking pipe somewhere in hear. that been the only noise I seem to have noticed for about 3 weeks. I seek comfort, so basically anywhere away from this hell hole. When I last spoke to Annie that night on the phone was so long ago, I feel bad for having to seek help from her ( I'm stubborn as you can see) but I miss her, I miss them all; Harry, Liam, mum, dad, Annie and yes certainly Niall.
I'm not sure of the time. I think it's about noon judging by the light outside the very small, barred window. I even miss just knowing the time and that's really strange but that's how I feel.
I was soon yanked out of my thoughts by loud, high frequency siren sound. wait what! Sirens! Perhaps its the police. please let it be the police. I then her a loud thud that sounded like some one had been bashing on the door... trying to break it down.
"We have you surrounded. come out with your hands up" screeched a voice through what sounds like some sort of amplifier.
The house soon became deadly quiet. the silence almost deafening. I wonder if they have fought with Ryan and arrested him. I hope so.
"Lucy. Lucy Morris are you in hear. I repeat, Lucy Morris are you in hear." it was the same man from the speakers. I knew it was safe.
"IN HEAR!!!!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs.
That very moment the door fling open to reveal a man in his mid-twenties. The man was in a police uniform and at that very moment I knew I was going home. Yay!
"Hello Miss.Morris..."
"Hi and please call me Lucy"
"Very well. Lucy I am D.C Doctor and I am hear to help you okay."
"Okay but what's your real name. t can't be 'Doctor' can it"
"No no that's my real name dear. I am both trained in the medical field and a police officer"
"Right now lucy, follow me and we will get you to the closest hospital for a check up."
"Okay but what about..."
"Mr.Horan has insisted that you go to his house after"
"Okay that fine."
"Shall we go"
We walked out and I got into the ambulance that had just arrived. it was so good to be in the real world again.

Niall's POV
I have just got of the phone with the police and they said that Lucy is on her way to the hospital and then should be coming hear. I'm ecstatic! I simply can't wait.

D.C Doctors POV
I had to go to the hospital with Lucy because I'm the leader of this investigation. I sit quietly in the seat I was given in the ambulance. I do have to admit Lucy is a very attractive girl but to be honest I have my eyes set of someone else. Her name is Lauren. she is an exchange student and will be attending the local collage, I think it's called West-Field collage. Lauren is smart, funny and everything I look for in a girl. he has blond, straight hair to her shoulder and is about 5'4. Sorry to off topic.

Lucy's POV
With all the paramedics rushing around me in this small vehicle it makes it kinda hard to concentrate. I look over at DC Doctor (very odd name but oh well) and he seems like he is thinking about something in a lot of detail. it must me a very good thought because I don't think he can keep that cheesy grin of his face at all. trust me, I took psychology at school and by his basic body language ect he much be thinking of a girl, perhaps his girlfriend or a wife. nope can't be a wife... no wedding ring. Hmm interesting.

~at the hospital~

Lucy's POV
Okay so I've been hear for about an hour. the doctors have don't lots of tests that things. They said I was very lucky to come out of that how I am, apparently the damage could be a lot worse. Well physically anyway. they also said they will get my discharged papers but I have to take it easy. go figure!
Once I signed my name on the papers I was free to go. DC doctor said he will escort me back to Niall's. He also said he will have to have a chat to Niall about my conditions or whatever. Oh well, I don't care as long as I get to be back where I belong... with Niall... I'm happy.

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