They leant against the building, watching the people rush through the street. "Are you sure about this?" Blaise asked eventually, not tearing his eyes away.

"Of course. He has so much potential but he just requires the tools to achieve it." He replied.

They returned back to silence, enjoying the break from the school. They both turned simultaneously, facing the door as Neville came bouncing out with what could be described as "the most adorable little grin ever". He held his hand out, proudly showing his new wand, causing both boys to smile at him. Neville began excitedly telling them all about his new wand with no sense of his previous nerves.


"You'll have to let go eventually," Alice sighed as she looked down at her favourite little human wrapped around her waist.

Her muffled response made Alice chuckle lightly, stroking her hair until she let go. "I'll be back before you know it. And Russell will be delivering letters for me soon so you can see him lots. Plus, if you hold onto me here forever, you'll never find out what present I left for you on your bed."

Dani glared at the girl. "You better not be lying to me. I can't deal with no contact for that long again."

Alice gave her one last quick hug before she pulled back. "Of course. Now I need to get going before Mrs Brown accidentally tells her favourite that I'm leaving today and not tomorrow."

The look of mischief on Dani's face was ever present. "So just to check..."

Alice sighed at the young girl, "Yes, you can stay in my room." Seeing the look on Dani's face she continued, "And yes, you may boobytrap it. No, I still don't have a diary for you to read through and discover my deepest darkest secrets. Yes, you can use my supplies." She paused, sighing when she saw that Dani held the same look. "What did I miss?"

"Luther." Dani happily supplied.

"Ah right. The ground rules are simple: prank to your heart's content. No lasting damage - physical or otherwise. And if it is unavoidable, don't get caught. And for the last time, you may not confront him and you will not put yourself in danger."

The glare she received for the limits was one of the harshest, but Alice knew she'd be over it soon enough. Holding out her arms for one last hug, she knew Dani couldn't resist, and with that, Alice was going home.


"Did you piss in Won-Won's Cheerio's this morning or something?" Cepheus asked.

He winced as Angelica hit him from across the table, "Language!" she scolded. Cringing away from the danger, he apologised quickly.

But he had raised a point and Alice looked to see the clown glaring at her from his table in the Great Hall. She shot him a quick smirk, before casting melofors on him. Innocently, she turned back to Cepheus. "What do you mean?"

Cepheus looked up quickly, scanning the hall. "Strange, I could have sworn I saw him trying to seem scary just now."

"I don't see him." She faked a confused look as she pretended to search for him. "The guy with a pumpkin on his head seems angry so maybe you just got confused. I can see the similarities in the colour and the bigheadedness, but really C, that's just rude." She pouted at him. "I expected more from you."

Harry Potter and the Cursed Heart ~discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now