I walked towards her and cupped her face. I smiled softly, "honey, it's your secret. You can tell anybody you want, within reason of course. All I ask is if you are gonna tell somebody make sure you truly trust them and tell me about it before or after, okay?"

    Her worry disappeared and her face lit up. She nodded and kissed my cheek. I looked at both of my kids, "let's go girls." I walked outside with the girls on each of my sides.

    We walked towards the others, where they are standing in front of two graves with crosses. We stopped a couple feet from them. I scanned the entire group some adults and kids.

   I can already tell who the leader is. The red head woman is, the way she stands and holds herself is one of a leader. "The red head woman is Claire Redfield the leader," Hope told me.

    Again I shivered at the name. What the hell is wrong with me? Carlos and Claire came towards us. They stopped right in front of us. I gotta say she's breath taking.

She shook her hand out, "Claire Redfield." I grabbed it, "Alice Abernathy." I felt my mark get warm and my hand get tingles. I looked into Claire's beautiful eyes.

    This gorgeous woman is my mate. I never thought I would ever find her. She stepped closer to me with a soft smile on her very beautiful face. Claire caressed my cheek making a smile appear on my face.

    "Hi," she softly said. I covered her hand on my cheek with my own and held it there. "I finally found you," I stared at her with adoration. Her gaze softened at my words.

She opened her mouth to say something when she got cut off by somebody calling her. She frowned sadly, "sorry to cut this short but I would like to continue this after. If that's okay?"

"Of course. I would love that," I reassured her. I understand, she has things to do. I'm not mad. I dropped my hand from hers letting her go. She smiled at me then left.

     I watched her leave and maybe my gaze went lower for a couple seconds. Somebody coughed making me jerk a little and looked at Carlos who is grinning.

   "Enjoying the view Alice," he teased with a shit eating grin. I blushed making the girls and Carlos laugh. I lightly punched him. He rubbed his shoulder but continued laughing.

"Congrats mom," Hope grinned at me. Angie nodded giggling still. "Thanks honey," I gave her a smile. Now we both found our soulmate's. It's funny how we found them in the same group.

Now all we need is for Angie to find hers. When she does oh I will pray for that person because between me and Hope their gonna need it. Especially with Hope.

After Hope talks most likely threaten them I bet they're gonna be scared to even touch Angie. Hope is very protective of Angie. "I'm gonna go talk to Kmart," Hope said with a nervous look.

I smiled reassuringly at her hoping it will ease her fears. It seemed to work when she relaxed a little. She took a deep breath and walked to Kmart. I hope everything goes well for her.

Hope's POV:

I walked to where Kmart is at looking at the graves with the rest of the convoy. "Kmart," I lightly touched her arm to not scare her. Mikey who I learned the name of from Angie rolled his eyes at me.

Kmart turned to me and hugged my side. I wrapped my arms around her and leaned my head on hers. I felt her relax in my hold. I smiled slightly, happy that I give her comfort.

No words were spoken, just a moment of silence for the people who died. Soon the people started walking away. L.J patted my back then left with Betty.

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