"Ok now for clothes."
I take a look in the closet. Should I wear a dress? Would that be too fancy? Maybe I should go with leggings or does that give off bad vibes. Like I didn't even try or something. This is frustrating!
Why am I overthinking this again.
Because I really really really want to impress this man. Thats why. He's literally perfect.

I pull out a plaid skirt and black sweater. This should work. It's cute but also comfy.
(The pic at the top is how I imagined it to look like although you can't see the sweater very well💃)

I put it on and take a little twirl in the mirror.
Not too bad.
Alright now we just wait.
I turn on some tv while waiting.

At exactly 7 there's a knock on the door. Points for being on time. I feel all giddy. Now this will be a real date!

I open the door. I take a look at him. He has on jeans with a dark red sweater and black jacket. His hair is down and swept to the side. He looks great.

"You gonna stand here and ogle me all day or shall we get going?"

I feel heat in my cheeks.
"N..no I wasn't. Yes let's go!"
We walk to the car.
"So what's the plan?"

"Well", he says starting the car,"I thought we could take a little walk around the beach and then I wanted to take us to this nice restaurant to eat."

"That sounds lovely."
We smile at each other.

"Glad you like it."

I play some music as he drives. Turns out we have pretty similar tastes.
He finds a place to stop in the park and we hop out. The beach itself would only be like 5 minutes away.

"So",he says and turns to me,"Can I finally hold your hand now?"

I giggle and lock our hands.
"I'd like that very much."

We stroll down the sidewalk hand in hand. It's so calm out here. It's so pleasant. We pass a few other people like a couple and a kid walking his dog.

Finally we make it to the beach. We take off our shoes and place them aside.
"So why did you want to go to the beach?"

"Because I love the feeling of walking on sand and this is the best place to watch the sunset."

Awww he loves the sunset. That's adorable.
Oh wait I don't want to get my skirt wet.
I start taking off the skirt because I have shorts on underneath.
His eyes widen and he turns red.


I blink at him and start laughing.
"S..sorry haha I have shorts on underneath. I guess I could've told you that before. Dang you should see your face right now! You look like you could pass out."
I clutch my sides from laughing.

He frowns at me.
"I almost had a heart attack! I mean if you wanted to that would've been fine, but I need a warning first."

I roll my eyes.

"In your dreams lover boy."

We walk to the water. I can already feel the spray of water on my legs. That's why I wore shorts. Well that and I don't want some perv looking up my skirt.

"My mom used to take me up here a lot as a kid. We still come up here every once in awhile."

I try to imagine a tiny Ukai. I wonder what his mom is like. Maybe I'll get to meet her and his dad one day.

"Thanks for taking me here. I think it's sweet this is you and your moms spot."

He hooks his arms around my waist and I gasp.

"Yeah well maybe this can be our spot now too."
Wow this man is smooth and quick.
He yawns.
"Really you're tired?"
"I will be if I keep hugging onto you. You're so warm. Let's go get some dinner."

"Alright after you."

We continue our walk and soon make it over to the place I'm assuming is where we would be eating.
He stops and I see him scowl.
"Is something the matter?"
I look and see a sign posted out front.

Sorry we're closed for the next few days! We'll be back soon!

"You never checked to see if they were open?"
"I didn't know I had to do that!"

"Aye don't yell at me grump ass. Let's just find someplace else. This sucks but we'll survive."

"Yeah you're right."

I feel a wet spot on my head and then another and another.
"Uh oh."
Before we know it the rain starts pouring like crazy.
"Ok let's run!"

Ah yes nothing like the rain to spoil the fun😩🤌
I really need to stop using that emoji for everything. 👀anyways enjoy you simps! Haha I'm a simp too it's all good😀👍

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