Where is she?

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Jay joined Will in rose's room once he had notified the unit. She was awake but not talking, "are you feeling light headed or experiencing any memory loss Rose?" Will said concerned. Her eyes were bloodshot red and watery, she didn't speak but she just stared at the wall and shook her head. "Where is she?" Rose said expressionless while still staring at the wall. Jay shot Will a confused look before speaking, "where's who rose?" He said while sitting down next to her. She looked at jay worriedly before realising he doesn't know what happened yet, "Ava...where's Ava" she panicked and tried to get out of bed, "woah woah woah, Rose calm down, you gotta stay in bed" Will said gently nudging her back down. She sighed and looked at jay waiting for an answer, "she hasn't told you what happened?" Rose enquired. Jay was confused and worried since he had no idea what she was talking about, "I don't know what you're taking about Rose, we don't know what happened to you, and we didn't know Ava is missing..." he said while staring at rose. She looked down in guilt, she was the one that got away.
"You need to tell us what happened Rose, for you and for Ava. If you want her back like I know you do, you need to help us" jay said while getting a bit more serious. "Yeah, okay" she said before sighing. "So I got home from school and started my homework, I was at home like I said I would be. I got a call from Ava, she was at the party, she asked me for her help. She said that she was attacked by a man, she didn't know who though. I tracked her phone and I went to the party to go help her..." she looked down disappointed in herself. "Hey it's okay, you only went to help." Jay said noticing her sadness. "Well, when I got to the party I found her in the bathroom hurt and crying so I told her I would call her an ambulance and then I'd call you" she said looking at jay with glassy eyes. He nodded and she continued, "she went to answer me but stopped and looked at someone behind me..." she explained and got a little uncomfortable. "Who was it Rose?" Jay said wanting to help, "I-I don't know, he was an older man, he was the one who attacked Ava" she looked back down and shivered. "What happened next? You're doing great" jay said while holding her hand. "Um, I went to look back but he hit me over the head with something. I got up to try fight him back, but uh, he was bigger than me so..." she tried pointing to her bruises. Jay and Will looked angry, "then they took Ava away, another man took her away. I don't know where to, I told him to leave her alone and he grabbed me. Uh, then he stabbed me and left me" she finished as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Jay looked as if he was about to kill someone, "I gotta ask Rose, how'd you get to the district?" He said asking her his final question. She looked up, "I um...I walked" she said blankly. "What with you're injuries?!" Jay said confused and shocked. "Yeah, I uh tried phoning you but it went to voicemail so I tried wills phone and the same happened. I knew you guys were working so I left and when I got to the station I got Trudy to buzz me up. I didn't tell her I was hurt because I wanted to tell you jay, just you..." she said bursting into tears. Will looked impressed that she managed to get there alone without bleeding out, he grabbed rose's hand for support as jay jumped up to hug her. "You did good, you did the right thing. We'll find Ava, she's maybe at another hospital" he said rubbing her arm gently. She was like a broken doll.
Jay left will and Rose alone to go tell Hank, hailey and Kevin everything. They found out Ava was in another hospital and she was safe. "You're a fighter, most people wouldn't have thought to do what you did. I'm proud of you" Will said while replacing her saline bag. She smiled at him. Jay walked in again with good news, "we found Ava, she's in another hospital. She's okay" he said holding her hand. She sighed and relaxed fully. "They've also got a lead on the men, another police department is handling it. It's over Rose" jay said smiling at them both.
She spent the next few days in hospital as a precaution, she FaceTimed Ava daily and they were best friends again. When it was time for her to go home, Will couldn't go with them because of work but hailey and jay went home with her. "You ready to go kiddo?" Hailey said while grabbing rose's duffel bag. "Yeah" she smiled back. The three of them left med and drove back to jays place. They watched films, played games and laughed all night. Hailey spent the night again, she knew Rose would find it funny but jay and Rose needed her support.

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