Born to perform

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           The morning swung by and Rose had gotten up long before jay did so she could prepare her hair and make up and pack her bag ready to compete.  She was finishing up her hair when jay knocked to come into her room, "hey jay!  Come in" she said while picking up some Bobby pins.  Jay slowly opened the door and walked in, he sat on the end of the bed behind her while looking at her through the mirror, "you look like you're going off to fight a war" he joked since her hair was slicked back in a middle parting low bun and she had minimal makeup on.  "Yeah something like that, you'll see" she said smiling at him.  "Will should be here any minute, I'll go get changed" he said and left. 
        Soon enough Will walked into the apartment shouting for them both, jay walked out to meet him while Rose double checked she had everything.  She grabbed her phone and put her shoes on, she looked in the mirror one last time while she proudly wore her dance team jacket which read 'dance captain' on the back and 'Rose Halstead' at the top on the the front.  She grabbed her bag and walked out to meet her brothers, "woah are you sure you're going to dance? You look like you're about to get deployed" Will said.  "I said the same thing" jay added which made her her laugh.  "We gotta go, I don't wanna be late" she said dragging them out of the apartment.  "Dance captain huh?" Will said noticing the writing on the back of her jacket.  "Yep!" She said smiling.
           They arrived at their destination at 9:15am, the boys didn't know hailey was coming so when they see her it would be a surprise.  "You know what you're doing around here?" Jay said looking lost.  "I sure do, come on I gotta go sign in" she said leading the way, she was scanning the area looking at her competition but also looking for hailey.  "Hello, what's your name and dance company?" The lady at the desk asked politely.  "Hi, I'm Rose Halstead and I'm with en pointe dance centre" Rose chimed back.  "Perfect, and how many spectators will be accompanying you today?" She asked the final question.  "3" rose answered smirking.  Jay and Will just looked around in confusion since they were only aware of them two coming to watch.  "That's great, head on in!" The desk lady let them past.  Rose said nothing but walked in front of her brothers before she stopped by the auditorium doors.  "3?" Will asked cluelessly.  "There's just me and jay?" He said but was cut off by hailey walking up behind them.  "And me" she added.  Her voice made jay whip around, "hey! What're you doing here?" Jay said stunned at her presence.
           "How'd you find out about today?" He spluttered out in confusion.  Hailey walked over to rose smiling and wrapped her arms around her, "friends know jay, friends know".  The two boys laughed in disbelief, "you knew?" Jay said looking at Rose with raised eyebrows.  "Of course I knew.  I told her about it" she laughed holding on to haileys hand.  They all chuckled once again and Rose checked her phone for the time, "look I gotta go get ready in the changing room, the group dance is first.  We're number 117.  If you go to the third row behind the judges panel you'll find where my team is sat." She shouted to them as she ran away carrying her bag.
          In the changing room the girls were all laughing and joking, when they were done they all ran through the motions of the choreography.  They made their way behind the stage when their section was called.  They waited for around 5 minutes until their number was finally called and they took their places at the side of the stage ready to perform.  They all done their little ritual and prayed they would do good before walking on stage and into place. 
         "Welcome to the stage number 117, 'this bitter earth'."  The announcer said from the side of the stage.  The audience cheered and the music started.

         Jay, Will and hailey immediately spotted Rose.  She was bang on centre, as the girls danced around the stage, a few cheers sounded when they hit perfect tricks or done something good.  Jay started to tear up as he heard the music, he immediately thought of war and rose's performance was enough to bring his tears to life.  He held himself together however and watched the rest of the dance in awe.  Hailey was sat smiling and cheered with the team when they were meant to, Will had no clue what was going on but he was pretty impressed with her talent.  Rose had a few solo parts when the other girls were dancing in the back ground, so when she was at the front she could see her brothers and Hailey smiling at her.  She wanted to smile so badly back at them but she couldn't break character as she wanted them to win.  They pushed through their tiredness and finished the dance when the audience erupted into cheers, even rose's biggest fans, the group stood up, nodded as a bow and exited the stage. 
         As soon as they got off stage the other dancers looked at them in fear, Rose pulled the team into a big hug knowing they done really well.  They left to go get changed in the changing room since they had an hour until the next section, only some girls had solos so the ones who didn't got Changed back into their uniform and left to go join their parents back in the auditorium.  Jay, hailey and Will were still sat watching other dancers since they didn't know what to do or where to go, a small interval was announced when some of the girls came running over to them and joined the adults, "Rose, sky and lily are getting ready now" one of the dancers said to the dance teacher.  Hailey looked at her pocket where she put jays tags and smiled, "come on let's go see her" she said before getting up and making them follow her.  They didn't have to walk far to find Rose since she was out in the hallway doing leaps and box jumps, the girls were all stretching each other.  "Rose!" Hailey shouted and signalled her to come over.  "Hey guys!  Did you like it?" She said jumping around with ankle weights on her legs.  The brothers laughed at how much energy she had compared to them, "we loved it" they all said at the same time.  Rose laughed then looked at hailey smirking. 
           "Did you fetch it hailey?" She said getting jays and wills attention.  "I sure did.  Why don't you get jay to put it on?" Hailey said handing her an envelope.  Jay looked really confused but took the envelope out of rose's hand to open it, "when you take it out you gotta put it on here" Rose said pointing to the top of her costume.  Will looked over to hailey with a what is it? Stare and hailey mouthed the answer to him, "jays tags" Will nodded and smiled before looking back at Rose.  Jay peeled of the top of the envelope and opened it up, his face widened with happiness and confusion when he saw his Velcro tags from his vest inside.  He shot his head up with a smile to look at rose, "how'd you get these?" He said giggling, "I went to make a plan with hailey yesterday, so when she said she wasn't talking to anyone she was lying.  I was hiding in the locker" she smuggly said and it made them all laugh.  He didn't say anything back but he knelt down instead since Rose was quite a bit smaller than him.  He placed his tags onto the Velcro patches on her costume where Rose had pointed too, "there you go" he said with glassy eyes and a shaky voice.

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