Rolling fast

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Back at the district the morning was moving slow and the unit had no case so they were all sat at their desks filling out endless amounts of paper work. The piles never seemed to go down in size but it had to be done. "We got a case" hank told them as they all re adjusted in their seats and payed attention.
"We got a party gone wrong; 3 teenage OD victims being treated at med and a teenage girl with unknown injuries also being treated at med. The dealer fled before the party ended but camera footage and facial rec shows the guy going by the name of Ramirez leave with a teenage girl out the back door at around 3 am" hank explained, the team frowned and jay squirmed a little at the thought of someone doing this to a bunch of kids. "Yeah sarge the street cam footage shows he left out the back with the girl and they disappeared into a small alley where the camera doesn't have access to but then he leaves the alley at 3:05 am without the girl." Kevin adds as he bring up the footage on his screen
"The girl he left with is the girl being treated at med for unknown injuries, she goes by the name of rose Sanchez" Kim added to Kevin's intel. "Hailey, jay you go by med and wait for the girl to wake up, get a statement. We need a lead on Ramirez before he strikes again." Hank ordered. And with that jay and hailey left to do as they were told.
"He's rolling fast, 4 victims in one night? He seems a little eager than he should be if it was just a normal deal don't you think." Hailey asked jay trying to make sense of Ramirez' motive. "Yeah somethings up, this don't feel like a normal drug deal gone wrong." Jay adds confirming haileys suspicions. Within 5 minutes the pair had made it to med, they made their way towards the ER and scanned the room for will, "hey guys what you needing? Is it the party victims?" Will rushed to their aid. "Um yeah actually we were wondering when rose might come around, we need to ask her a few questions before she can go." Jay replied with a frown. He hated making kids replay the moments that ruined their childhoods but it had to be done.
"She's already awake jay, the head injury was no more than a concussion and a deep laceration, turns out she has hypothermia which is why she was so cold and unconscious when she was brought in" Will helped. "Great where is she?" Jay smiled slightly. They followed will as they made their way up to the paediatric floor and into an icu Ward, she was sat alone before being interrupted by the knocking on her door.

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