Im 15 not blind

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Jay and Rose drove back to their apartment with hailey following in her car behind. The two siblings were In the front and the crown and plaque's were in the back, she didn't take the trophy home since they go on display in her dance studio. They spent the night laughing and joking, Rose got tired real quick so she got a shower then headed off to bed leaving hailey and jay in the living area. It was around 2 am and hailey began to get tired while they partners were watching the gremlins, she dozed off to sleep and jay noticed. He knew she didn't intend on staying the night since they had work the next day but since it would be dangerous for her to drive back in a state this tired he Carried her to his room and placed her on the bed, he left her to sleep in there but he grabbed a pillow and blanket and headed to the couch to give her privacy.
The morning arrived and Rose woke up groggily to her alarm, she threw on some comfy clothes for school and packed her bag.

            She walked out ready for jay to drop her off at school, but she had a real shock when she walked out to jay and hailey sat on the couch drinking a coffee

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She walked out ready for jay to drop her off at school, but she had a real shock when she walked out to jay and hailey sat on the couch drinking a coffee. "Hailey?!" Rose exclaimed in happiness and shock, "Waiitttt......Did you stay?" She said running around the couch to look at them. She was looking at jay with the oh my god stare when jay shot her back a don't you dare evil eyes before answering for hailey. "It's not like that so you can get that out of your head" he said rolling his eyes. Hailey laughed but just agreed to what jay said, "I fell asleep, I slept in his room, he slept on the couch" she cleared up. "Okay then..." Rose said before leaving for the fridge but she just narrowed her eyes at them, she didn't believe them even though it was the truth. "I gotta get you to school, hailey you good with driving you're own car?" Jay said while getting up. "Yeah I'm good, see you later Rose" she smiled at the kid while jay and Rose left for school.
Rose stared at jay the whole drive to school, "it wasn't like that so you can stop looking at me now" jay said while not taking his eyes off the road, "what ever you say..." Rose answered back still looking at him. "You're not gonna let it go are you? Even though I'm telling the truth?" Jay said while smiling. "Nu-uh, I'm 15, not blind" she said while wiggling her eyebrows. Jay laughed at her response, "what's that supposed to mean?". Rose scoffed at his cluelessness, "oh come on jay, it's obvious! You like hailey, and she likes you. Deal with it..." She said while jumping out of the car and leaving jay with no words, "see you laterrrr..." she sang as she got out the car and walked over to ava. Jay just shook his head and laughed as he drove off to go to work.
"Hey you!" Ava shouted. "Hey, why are you so happy?" Rose said taken aback at her energy since it was a Monday. "Wellllll, the party's tomorrow isn't it. It's starting at 5pm so it will go on for longer, andddddddd, there's gonna be a lot of boys" Ava explained while nudging rose's arm. "Boys huh?" Rose joked but knew her answer was still no. "You changed your mind yet?" Ava said eagerly trying to persuade her. "Not yet, but hey there's still time" she said back happily.
They walked into school and completed their lessons for the day, it was now 3pm and the two best friends met each other in front of the school sign like they always did. "Where even is this party?" Rose said curious. "This guys house, it's hugeeeee! He's like 27 or something but who cares!" Ava said excitedly. Rose shot her a worried look since that was how most horror films started, "that's pretty sus ava, are you sure it's safe?" She was glad to se Ava being happy but not for a reason like this. "Yeah it's totally safe, don't worry about it. Think about it then let me know" Ava said while her mom pulled up in the pick up zone. She smiled weakly and waved Ava off, with the safety of her best friend on her mind she walked home and done her homework.
The night went slow but eventually jay got home later on, "hey kiddo! Wanna watch a film?" Jay said while holding the new joker in his hand. She smiled back at him vaguely over her shoulder and nodded, jay noticed she seemed down but shook it off. Jay grabbed the popcorn and sat down on the couch opposite her, "what's up?" He said starting the conversation trying to get her to talk since she was quiet, "oh uh, nothing why?" She lied. "You're quiet, that's not like the you I know..." he said while offering her some popcorn. She rejected his offer of the bowl, "no thanks" she said with a blank expression, jay didn't like to see her that was but she wouldn't talk so he didn't push her. "Fine, more for me then" he said pulling the bowl away which made her smile, she reached for the bowl and grabbed a handful, "no way" she smiled again. "There's that smile" he said while nudging her arm. They watched the film and they made small talk but jay knew there was still something she wasn't telling him.
When the film ended they had pretty much ate all the popcorn, jay decided to try and cheer her up so he threw a piece of popcorn at her. She turned to look at him and smirked, she threw one back but he caught it in his mouth, "you can't beat me at my own game, I'm the popcorn beast" he said while while holding up the bowl like a trophy. She laughed at his childishness but they were interrupted by her phone buzzing on the table. They both looked at it for a second before Rose saw the incoming call from Ava, "I gotta get this" she said while leaving to go to her room. "Okay..." jay said confused. He watched her leave and followed her to her room but he stopped outside just so he could eavesdrop.
Rose jumped on her bed not knowing jay was outside, she answered the call and put Ava on speaker.
Rose: "Ava? Are you okay?"
Ava: "yeah I'm fine, it's about the party."
Rose: "what about it?"
Ava: "It's jake, he wants to know numbers by the end of the night, so imma need your final answer like right now"
Rose: *sigh* "my answer is no, I'm not going to the party ava. After last time, I'm not taking any chances. It's a party full of older men, you gotta think sensibly..."
Ava: "come on rose, you're being a spoil sport"
Rose: "look I'm sorry, but my answer is no. And if I'm being honest, I don't want you going either, it's too dangerous!"
Ava: "I know what I'm doing Rose, I'm going wether you come or not. But why won't you come? The guy that hurt you last time isn't gonna be there, so what's your reason?"
Rose: "I've told you before Ava, jay sees what happens at these parties all the time. Will treats young girls, like ourselves, who ended up going to parties like this one! How do you think they'd feel if I wound up laying in a hospital bed hooked up to a ventilator fighting for my life?! How would your parents feel if it was you...?"
Ava: "you're over thinking, so if you're not gonna come I'm hanging up."
Rose: "Ava! Listen to me! I don't wanna lose my best friend to a stupid party, you don't have to go, you should stay home!"
Ava: "so it's a no?!"
Rose: "it's a no Ava"
Ava: "bye Rose..."
Rose: "Ava wait..."
*call ended by Ava*
Rose slammed her phone onto the bed and groaned into her pillow, she sat there with her head buried in her sheets for a minute before her bedroom door creaked open. She knew it was jay so she didn't move, she didn't know that he heard everything though. "You okay?" He said sitting next to her. "I'm fine" she said with her head still on the pillow. "You don't sound it, or look it" he said while placing his hand on her back. "I heard everything, you did the right thing" he said reassuring her. "You were listening?" She said looking at him. "I mean you were practically shouting down the phone, so yeah I was listening". He said while raising his eyebrow.
"I couldn't change her mind jay, she's still gonna go to the party. What if she..." Rose started but teared up. "Hey look, you did all you could. If she goes, then she goes. You did the right thing by saying no" he said smiling. "I mean, after last time, I don't think I can go to another party again for a while but..." she started but jay shushed her. "Shhhh, it's okay, you're worried. I get it, don't stress. There's nothing you can do..." he said.
They sat there in silence for a while, "you're a smart kid you know, don't let silly people ruin that." He said before leaving her room and giving her some alone time.

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