I can see it

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"Hey, rose look at me okay?" Jay said reaching for her leg at the end of the bed, "you're fine now he's never gonna touch you again, you're safe we promise." He said before looking at hailey waiting for her to add something, "he's right rose, we aren't going let him get to you ever again, you've done great we've got a lot to go off thanks to you. Rest up rose". They said before making their way out of the door. Will had been stood there for a while at the beginning but he got paged back to the ER before they could finish. Hailey shut the door behind her to let rose rest, "she's a tough cookie huh" jay nodded not saying a word, there was something about rose but he couldn't put a pin to it, "you good jay?" Hailey asked him, he was just staring into her room watching her sleep, "oh uh yeah yeah I'm good, she just feels so familiar" hailey just looked at him with a confused look, "whatever that means, look it's Voight we gotta get back to the district, jay come on!" She said pointing her phone trying to snap him out of his thoughts. "Oh yeah um lets go then" he said before walking off with Hailey.
The drive back to the district was silent, jay was going through all the possible reasons why she was so familiar but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of anything at all. They buzzed themselves up and walked over to the team and explained everything rose had told them, "sarge she's real shook up, there's more to this case than just a drug deal gone wrong, this Ramirez guy has some type of feeling for rose, we gotta catch him before she's discharged." Jay didn't say a word and Hank ordered him into his office, "something I need to know?" He asked jay more like interrogating him, "uh no sarge..." he said unconvincingly. "Jay" he said warning him, "fine okay, it's just when we were interviewing rose she just felt familiar i don't know, like I've known her all my life familiar. I'm sure it's nothing sarge" Jay scoffed, hank smiled at him, "if you say so kiddo, you can leave" he said before dismissing him.
The team had been working the case all day without any breaks, so far they had gotten a pretty good lead on Ramirez, they knew where he was. "Alright everyone suit you you know the drill, Jay one sec" hank ordered and jay stayed behind watching everyone rush to get the guns loaded. "Yeah sarge?" Jay said scared for his life. "Stop by med after we bust him, see how she's doing, talk to will maybe he feels the same" hank told him. Jay just nodded sincerely, it wasn't very often he was given the go ahead to have time off work for something he only had a weird feeling about but since hank knew he would have a distracted jay for the rest of the day, he decided it was the best option. "Thanks sarge, i owe you one" jay said before joining the rest of the unit to gear up.
After the bust, the team rounded back up in the bullpen but jay had already made it to med. "Hey Maggie where's will?" Jay eagerly asked her. "Nice to see you too jay, he's up on the paediatric floor, take the stairs it'll be quicker" Maggie replied laughing at him, "thanks mags" he said before running towards the stairs. He made it to the floor and began searching for his brother but will had spotted jay before jay could spot will, "hey bro you good? If you're here to ask rose anymore questions you should probably come back tomorrow she's asleep, we had to give her some sleeping pills, she's pretty spooked" assuming he was here about that. "No I'm here to see you actually, you got a sec?" Jay said hoping he was free. "Uh yeah actually I'm just about to get off shift, give me five minutes and I'll meet you back here." Will said before rushing to the staff room to change, jay waited patiently outside of roses room, he stood watching her sleep peacefully, free of worry. "You wanted to see me?" Will joined jay outside her room. "Yeah, wanna go somewhere private?" will nodded suspecting it was something to do with rose. "She shouldn't wake up anytime soon so here" will said leading them both into rose's room.
"So?" Will said waiting for jay to speak. "Right this may seem really crazy and totally random but does she seem familiar to you?" Jay said tilting his head towards the 15 year old girl laying in-front of them. Will shot jay a relived look, "yeah actually it's been bugging me all day, can't think of why though? You got anything?" Will agreed. "No, she's been on my mind all day." They both stood staring at her with confused and slightly sad faces before will broke the silence. "Brett mentioned something when she dropped her off at med this morning, said that we needn't bother to look for immediate family, she doesn't have any" jay just furrowed his eyebrows and turned his attention towards Will. "What!" He said practically shouting but it came out as a whisper, "yeah I know I was shocked too." They both took a seat next to her bed and watched her sleep. "Did you check the records to see if she did anyways?" Jay said hoping maybe he could shed some light, "yeah I checked it, system shows she was in three previous foster homes, it says she's in a home now but there's no guardian contact details" will sighed. "So technically Brett was telling the truth, she doesn't really have anyone." Will summed up what she was meaning. Jay grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialled severides number over at fire, "hey Kelly, is Brett with you?" He said waiting for a yes. "Uh yeah why? You need her? I'll go get her..." Kelly said confused but went anyways, "yeah if she's not busy" jay said sounding a bit more polite. "Right okay jay here" Kelly said and passed the phone to sylvie, "jay? Everything okay?" She said worriedly. "Yeah, it's just uh rose who you fetched in before. What did you mean by she has no immediate family, she's in a foster home isn't she?" He said trying to make sense of it all. "Ohhhhh, yeah, well she's in a home but I don't think the situations good, I've responded to her calls in some abandoned car park a few times before, like quite a few times, always something to do with cuts or concussions or something along those lines. So I took it as it was maybe best they didn't know, you know since she was always skiddish when I mentioned telling her parents." She explained shedding some light to their cluelessness, "okay sylvie thanks, we've got it from here" he said before hanging up. Jay looked over to rose then back at will, "she's in a home but Brett thinks it's best her parents don't know she's here, said that she thinks the situation isn't looking good for her at home maybe" will frowned and didn't say anything.
They both stood there for a while, silent. "Jay don't freak out, I don't know if I've been staring at her for too long but..." Will hesitated to finish, "spit it out man" jay said jokingly. "Well uh, do you not think she kinda looks like you?" Will finished. Jay shot Will an are you being serious look before staring at rose again. Jay sighed not thinking it was anything more than Will going loopy but when he squinted at rose then looked at himself in the window reflection then back at rose he froze, "I uh, um I can see it" jay admitted. By now they had been there, with rose in her room for around an hour and rose's sleeping meds were starting to wear off, "ughhhhh" she sighed making the men stiffen up. "AHH!" She jumped at the sight since she was alone before she dozed off, her reaction made both men jump out of their skin too. "Uh hey? Helllloooo?" She said said with attitude, waving her hands to try and get their attention. "Why are you just staring at me? Uhhhh guys?" She said getting scared that something was wrong...

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