Officially a halstead!

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They arrived at rose's soon to be old foster dads house and they walked up to the door, jay in front and rose right behind him, Will stood behind her for protection. Jay knocked on the door sternly before a middle aged man fairly older than Will and himself answered the door, "who are you and what do you want?" He snapped at the group stood on the bottom step. "They're my brothers" Rose answered for jay as she stepped out from behind him. Jay grabbed rose's shoulder and pulled her into his side while Will moved up to the other side of jay showing the older man that they were bigger than him. "Ohhhhh so you're just going to leave now are you?" He ridiculed while laughing at her. "pretty much" she rolled her eyes and pushed passed him before walking into the house, jay and Will followed right behind her.
"So what, you two here to take her away or something?" He said while pulling a face towards the brothers, "she's coming to live with me" jay said manning himself up. "Yeah yeah whatever, I don't want her anyways" the old man huffed while giving Rose a devilish smile, she looked slightly hurt by his comment even though she knew it was true. "Say what you want I don't care, just sign this will you" Rose said while gently sliding past her brothers and slamming the form onto the table with a pen. "Gladly" he snatched the pen from the table and scribbled onto the line, Rose picked up the piece of paper as soon as he finished signing it. "Have fun with you're new life. Oh, and you needn't think you're going upstairs for your stuff either, you don't deserve it" the man laughed to himself. "No need, I got it all this morning, so goodbye and don't miss me too much." She said filled with sarcasm before grabbing her brothers by their arms and pulling them out the house, she handed jay the form back and they headed towards the car while the old man watched them leave. "Just like that" Rose smiled to herself realising she just stood up to that useless old man. "Look at you go, miss sassy pants , didn't even need us" Will joked as they set off driving back to the offices. They all smiled and sang along to the radio in the car before they reached the offices for the last time.
They all made their way back to mr stones consultation room and knocked before they were given the go ahead to enter, it was only 6:30 pm so mr stone was stunned at their speed. "That was quick" he applauded them, "yeah and it wasn't hard either" Rose sighed before they all took their seats again. "So you have the form?" Mr stone questioned. "Right here" jay gave him it willingly and smiled. "Perfect, I'll place it into your file miss sanchez then you're free to go and enjoy your new family." He congratulating them all. "Wait, one last thing" Rose worried them all with the need to interrupt the special moment, "Can I change my name? My last name?" She spoke up nervously. "Yes of course, what are you thinking Rose?" Mr stone accepted her request. She smirked at Will and jay who now looked confused, "Halstead, Rose Halstead" she said proudly. Jay laughed to himself and shook his head while Will just grinned from ear to ear. "Sounds great rose, give me one second and I'll get the legal documents from your file then we can proceed" she smiled to herself while sat on the chair, she couldn't wait to start fresh with the most perfect family. Mr stone turned back around to face them all and pushed a document form towards jay, "since she isn't 16 yet you'll need to sign it, it just means you give her your consent." Mr stone said while handing him a pen, "are you sure this is what you want Rose?" He double checked before signing it. "Positive" she nodded definitely and smiled. "Sure thing" he laughed and signed it before handed it back to mr stone. "Congratulations rose, you're now officially a Halstead!" The man smiled at her.
She stood up and turned to face her brothers before answering him, "thank you". They all smiled and the trio left. It was around 7pm now and they decided to head back to jays apartment to let her settle in at last. "Come on rose I'll show you you're room" Will said even though it wasn't his apartment but he was too excited. Like little children they ran off laughing to her new room, it was a spacious room that was in between the bathroom and jays room. The decor was themed grey and white which was perfect for rose, "wow" she said in awe of its plain beauty. Jay had joined them and just stood in the door way as he watched Will and rose flop back onto the bed as if will was 15 again like their little sister. "You like it?" Jay said nervously hoping she would. "Like it? I love it!" She said rolling around in the freshly washed sheets, "thank you, both of you. You saved me, literally. I'd have died of boredom if I had to live that life any longer" she said appreciatively but joked at the dying part. Both of the boys laughed as jay joined them by lying down on the bed, "pizza?" Jay proposed which made the other two jump up, "I take that as a yes" he laughed and left to go get his phone.
Rose and Will followed jay into the kitchen, "I better let nat know, I'll tell her to come over and drop Owen off at Maggies or something. She's going to be so happy" Will said fairly amused that no one even knew yet. Rose smiled at the thought of his brother being in love, she just wondered about jay. "Yeah no problem, I'm gonna ring Hailey to see if she wants to join us, she'll be happy too" jay laughed to himself. That answered rose's silent question, she knew Hailey was jays partner since she met her in the hospital but Rose knew there was some kind of connection going on between them.
Will and jay rang hailey and nat to tell them to come over, and gladly they both agreed. Rose had wandered off back into her room to admire the view from her window again, she was so used to looking at a brick wall from her old room she didn't know how to react when looking at all the buildings and lights mixed in with the skyline. She was so happy.

*a little side note-I'm fully aware this probably isn't how the whole custody/care thing would work but I just wanted to try and keep it short :)*

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