I'll kill you

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Jay gave her some space for the rest of the night, he checked in on her before he went to bed. He was about to ask if she needed anything before he crashed but as he opened the door he realised she was already sleeping, her light was still on so he switched it off and closed her door.
Rose woke up the next morning dreading school, she knew Ava wouldn't want to see her at all and she would probably avoid her. They had fallen out over a stupid party and Rose felt to blame. She had no choice to skip school though so she got changed into something casual.

        She packed her bag ready for school and joined jay in the living area, "hey, you want breakfast?" He said offering her some pancakes

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She packed her bag ready for school and joined jay in the living area, "hey, you want breakfast?" He said offering her some pancakes. She shook her head and looked down, he knew what she was bummed about so he just left it at that. "Let's get going then" he said opening the door to let her through first. The car journey was mainly silent apart from the odd jokes from jay which made her smile, he arrived at the drop off zone and she went to get out of the car when she noticed Ava was walking into school with some other girls from their class. Her heart sunk, not once in their lifetime of being at school had they not walked in together, "see you later..." she said miserably. Jay picked up on her dull mood, "head up kiddo" he shouted out of the window as she waved him off. She walked into school by herself looking down, her day dragged in since she had no one to talk to, she received the odd death stare from a few girls Ava had been hanging around with but apart from that she only had herself.
Jay arrived at the precinct ready to start work and hailey joined him as they walked up to the bullpen, "how's my little side kick doing?" She said smiling. Jay looked a little sad but answered her, "not good actually, something about her falling out with her friend over a party...". Hailey shook his shoulder and looked at him, "she's a teenager jay, things like this happen all the time" he smiled at her realising what she said was true and they got to work on their case for the day.
It was 3pm and Rose finished school, she walked outside to see Ava stood with her new friends, she wanted to wave and smile but she figured that it wasn't the best move to make. She walked home feeling lonely, she had no one to talk to anymore. She arrived back at jays apartment and she sat on the couch to do her homework, once she had finished it was around 4:30pm and she realised Ava would be heading to the party soon. She went to grab her phone and text Ava to try and get her to stay home but she stopped herself, she knew Ava hated her so she left it. Once it got to 5pm she began to feel uneasy knowing her best friend was partying away with older men.
Jay and the unit had caught a long and difficult case so they were working hard to catch the bad guy, they were finding leads and gaining evidence. Jay realised that it was 5pm and rose's friend would be at the party by now so he got Vanessa to ping rose's phone. It wasn't that he didn't trust her but he wanted to know she was home and safe, to his expectations she was. "She's at home jay, you're good" Vanessa said while sitting back in her chair. "Thanks" he said and returned to his desk a little more relaxed.
Rose was sat watching a film when her phone suddenly rang, she had no one to talk to so she figured it would either be jay or Will. She had a big surprise when she looked at her screen to see an incoming call from Ava. She was scared but she answered the phone anyways.
Rose: "Ava?"
Ava: *deep breath's*
Rose: "Ava?! Talk to me, are you okay?"
Ava: "help"
Rose: "Ava listen okay? I need you to tell me what happened..."
Ava: *weeping* "he attacked me"
Rose: "who did? Who attacked you?"
Ava: "I don't knowwwww..." *wailing in pain*
Rose: "look Ava, I'm gonna track your phone and come get you okay? Stay where you are, don't move!"
Ava: "hurrrryyyyy..."
*call ended by Rose*
She froze in fear but she knew she had to act fast, she threw on a pair of shoes and grabbed her coat before leaving and locking the door behind her. Ava had told rose the party would be at a house so when she tracked her phone she followed the navigation and within 5 minutes she arrived at a huge house. It was dark, around 7pm so she couldn't really see much, all she could hear was music coming from the house. She took a deep breath and ran into the house not caring if she knocked anyone out of the way, she scanned the main area but she couldn't see Ava. She made her way upstairs and ran to her right, she stopped at the end of the hall when she heard crying coming from a bathroom, without hesitation she barged through the door and saw Ava crying and laying on the floor. "Hey, hey, listen I'm gonna call an ambulance then I'm gonna call my brother and tell him to find the guy who did this." Rose said while cradling Ava in her arms, but before Ava could say anything her eyes grew wide in fear while looking at someone standing behind Rose, she gasped and before Rose could turn to see what she was looking at she felt something hard hit her head. The blow to her head knocked her flying away from Ava who was now crying. Rose was petrified but she knew she needed to help Ava or she would bleed out, the only thing left for Rose to do was fight the man who hit her over the head.
Jay and Kim had managed to find a lead on their case so they decided they would get Kevin to go undercover and take down the bad guy. They left to go on an undercover mission, but it wasn't just a regular case so they knew they'd be there for a long time. Since they were working in the field, Jay had to knock his phone off the manual setting which meant that any calls coming from a regular number like rose's would be blocked and he would receive them. "You're ready to go Kev, everyone put their ears on" hank said before Kevin approached the bad guy.
Rose was attempting to fight the man at the party but she was failing miserably. The guy was like three times her size and even though Rose was strong she couldn't handle him, she was just making him angry. "You better stop or you'll end up dead" the man said while throwing punches back at Rose, she eventually flopped the the floor when she couldn't fight any more, fearing for hers and avas lives she tried to drag Ava into the bath but she couldn't. "Not so fast you whore" the man said as he kicked Rose away from Ava. The man dragged Ava out into the hallway where another man took her away, "leave her alone or I'll kill you" Rose threatened the man. He pulled out a knife and held it to rose's throat, "threatening the man who has a knife huh?" He laughed in her face as she squirmed around in his arms. He stabbed the knife into rose's shoulder to stop her from moving, she screamed out in pain but the music was loud, no one could hear her. "Isn't this fun?" He said while stabbing the knife into her shoulder again but this time around the back. "Stop it! Please..." Rose begged for her life. The man laughed and threw Rose away from him, he stood up and kicked her in the stomach one last time before leaving. She stayed down on the floor for a few minutes trying to catch her breath, she grabbed her phone from beside her and called jay. It rang for a while then went to voicemail, she hung up and tried wills phone, the same happened again.
Jay was sat with hailey in the van, Kevin was going down with his plan and they were no where near done yet. Everything was normal for their night, a difficult case but nothing they hadn't seen before.
Rose was crying since she didn't know where Ava was, the men had taken her and she had no clue where she had gone. Rose had taken her jacket off to fight the man so she would have a better chance but it didn't make much difference, so when she gained enough energy she grabbed her coat and put it on. She winced in pain as she scrambled to her feet, she went dizzy for a second before finding her balance. She knew she had to get out of the house and go to the district to find Jay, she thought about heading to med but since it was a 30 minute walk she knew she would bleed out before she made it there. She stumbled out of the bathroom and down the stairs, since everyone else was drunk she fit in with them as she wobbled through the crowd and out of the house. She began to walk to the station but every couple of steps she took she would fall to the floor, every time she fell she got back up and kept walking. She could feel her legs giving up but she didn't want to die today so she kept pushing and before she knew it she was around the corner from the district.
To the units surprise, Kevin had finished the deal quicker than expected so when they made the arrest they headed back to the district. The warehouse they were at was 20 minutes from the district so it took them a while to get back.
Rose made it to the station and she zipped up her jacket to hide the blood and bruises, she dragged her feet up the stairs trying act normal. "Hey kiddo!" Trudy shouted to Rose. "Hey Trudy can you buzz me up?" She said keeping it sweet and short, she had collected herself together and put on her happy face so Trudy didn't suspect a thing. "Yeah sure Rose" Trudy said while clicking a button behind the desk which opened the gate. "Thanks Trudy!" Rose said happily trying to hide her unbearable pain. She quickly made her way up the stairs until she was out of trudys view, when she was out of sight she fell to the floor and dragged herself up the stairs. She expected to see the unit working away but there was no one in the bullpen at all. She let out a small cry realising that she was defenceless, as she stumbled up to her feet and wobbled over to jays desk she fell before she could sit on his chair. She was now slumped down half awake-half asleep behind jays desk, she laid down and reached her hand out from behind the desk so it was poking out. She wasn't in view for anyone to see when they walked in but her arm was so they would find her quickly.
The unit and jay had just arrived back at the district, Trudy was in the back organising paper work so they buzzed themselves up as they laughed away joking about Kevin's acting skills during the deal. Jay was the first one to make it to the top of the stairs, he stopped in his tracks when he saw an arm on the floor by his desk. The rest of the unit bumped into him as he blocked the path, no one said anything because they could all the arm laying there too. Jay broke the silence and ran over to his desk to see what the hell was going on, the team followed right behind him. "Rose!" Jay cried out as he knelt down to cradle her. "Someone call an ambulance, now!" Hailey said while kneeling next to jay. He was holding a lifeless Rose in his arms, she was awake but barely, "jay take off her jacket, check for injuries" hailey said breaking the silence. He did as she said and unzipped her jacket so reveal two stab wounds to her shoulder and her arms covered in blood, cuts and bruises. "Oh my god, Rose. Stay with us okay?" He said with tears in his eyes. "Where's this ambulance?" He shouted to Adam. "It's here" he replied as Brett made her way over to rose and jay.

*a long chapter :)*

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