Questions & Answers

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Q1. Why Mew/Gulf?

Answer: It started off with a YouTube recommendation for an Asian Drama, then a Facebook recommendation for Thai drama. At that time, I had gone through a bad breakup in a series of bad breakups and had lost my faith in love. Watching these dramas made me laugh again and brought some happiness back to my life. Then I was introduced to Thai BL drama and I was hooked. Eventually I found Tharn/Type and I loved the chemistry between the two actors. Then YouTube recommended a video of a Mew/Gulf interview and the off-screen chemistry was more impressive than the on-screen. Their care for each other, the look in their eyes, the support, the way they spoke about each other inspired me, and it opened-up that closed corner of my heart. Thus, started my Mew/Gulf love.

Q2. What inspired you to write this book?

Answer – I am sure that most people who see Mew/Gulf off-screen wonder about the real nature of their relationship. In my opinion they are entitled to their privacy and the peeks that they give us are enough. I think that most people rarely get to experience that kind of connection with someone in their lifetime, and I am so happy that they met. Does that mean their relationship is romantic, no; in my deepest of hearts do I hope that it is, yes. Shameful right, but they are just so great together. In the end it doesn't matter if they are or are not. I think they are soulmates and will maintain their friendship with each other and, if they choose not to be together, I hope their future partners are respectful of their bond. That said, as much as I respect their relationship, curiosity and a creative brain can be a bad combination at times. Watching them together got me wondering what their relationship could look like after the series, and why they would choose not to pursue a relationship when their bond was so strong, thus this book was born. This book allowed me to put my thoughts to paper, shut off my curious brain, and support them wholeheartedly whether together or not.

Q3. Did you realize that you dropped the Phi call?

Answer – Yes. It was planned. As they get closer, more intimate in the book they no longer need to differentiate themselves as younger/older.

Q4. Will there by other books?

Answer – I don't know. Lol. Writing this book was a great experience for me. It made me so appreciative of the hard work everyone puts into their craft and I admire the hell out of those authors who write prolifically. Your brains must be a hell of a place to be. Maybe I will write another book if I find something else that inspires me, but I also think I'll be satisfied even if this is the only book I ever write. I learned so much writing it. 

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