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I place the bowl of pork congee, utensils, and warm milk tea on a folding tray and carry it up to the bedroom. I set it on the bedside table and sit down on the side of the bed, then lean over and place the back of my palm on Gulf's forehead. Thank God; he doesn't have a fever. I bend over and lightly kiss his forehead my hands on either side of his head.

"Tua Aeng." I call. "Wake up baby."

"Mmmhh." He mumbles his face all scrunched. He turns away from me while pulling the blanket over his head. I laugh, my head falling back, and my eyes scrunching shut. Some things never change. He is still a sleepy kitten.

"Bii, please." I say removing the blanket and lifting him to lean against my chest. "Wake up Nong." I whisper and kiss him above his ear.

"P'Mew?" He calls, his voice husky from sleep. He turns around and places him arms around me. He lays his head against my chest. I hold him and run my hands up and down his back. "I'm here Bii." I reassure him.

"So, it was not a dream." He mummers.

"No Bii. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

I release one of my arms and tilt his head upwards so that we are looking into each other's eyes. "Phi loves you. Phi is so sorry that he hurt you, Phi loves you so much. Forgive Phi, Phi is sorry." I say as I lay my forehead on his.

Gulf reaches up and places his hands on either side of my head. "Phi, I love you, so much." He says. "I forgive you. I know that Phi never meant to hurt me. Will you let me stay Phi?" He asks, his voice soft, scared.

"Mmmmhhh." "Nong can stay with Phi." I answer. I know that we need to have a deeper discussion but right now I need to get him cleaned up so that he can eat.

"Brush your teeth Nong, you are so skinny. Phi brought you some rice congee with pork. Nong needs to feed his poong-ka-tee, it's all gone." I joke rubbing his now flat tummy.

I help Gulf to stand and with my hand on his lower back I assist him to the bathroom. Gulf sits on the toilet seat and I hand him the toothbrush. He brushes his teeth. I hand him the mug; he stands over the sink and rises his mouth. While he brushes his teeth, I turn on shower and adjust the water temperature. Gulf quietly removes his clothes.

"How do you feel Bii?" I ask. "Are you light-headed?"

"Not too much." Says Gulf softly. I assist him to sit on the shower bench.

"Do you need help showering?"

"No Phi, I'm ok." He answers.

"Please call me if you don't feel well or need help." I say stroking his hair. "Phi will go change the sheets and re-heat the congee ok love."

Before I leave the bathroom, I set a change of clothes and a bath towel on the towel warmer. He needs all the help he can get to stay warm.

I am sitting on the bed checking my messages when Gulf comes out of the bathroom. He is wearing the red pajamas we wore in the KFC promo. Memories of the promo flash in my head. He looked so cute in the chicken costume. He lifts his head, and a smile lights up his face. I can only imagine that he is thinking of the same thing. This is what I want for him. Happiness. Because he is my heart. 

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