#6: Double Trouble

Start from the beginning

This was major.

We had fourth suspect, and he could possibly be responsible for killing Crawford and Grayson?

Just like the others, I printed his picture to add to the crime map I was making. For me to solve my cases, I need to visually see what I was working with.

I rose from the chair and gathered the laminated images from off the printer and began flipping through the images until I came across the first one with the young female teen. I needed to find out who she was.

6:30am on the dot, my partner, LT. Samson strolled into our shared office with dark shades covering his eyes. He placed his belongings on his lounge chair and waved, "Morning, Turner. Of course, you're here already." He removed the shades from his dark brown eyes.

"You know me, early bird gets the worm." I commented before taking a sip of my coffee. "Long night?" I asked observing him retrieving a bottle of Tylenol from out his desk.

"Yup, a couple of the guys wanted to get drinks in remembrance of Crawford and Grayson. I think I had one too many." He plopped down in his desk chair. "Please tell me you brewed your famous Joe." He rubbed his face into his hands, attempting to wake up.

I tiled my head sideways and gave him a  smile and replied, "You've been my partner for how many years?" I chuckled softly shaking my head. "It should be ready by now."

"You're the best." He staggered to get up and walk out the office towards the staff lounge.

After all these years working together, it was never a dull moment between us two. When I first joined Riverborn Police Department, I wasn't welcomed by most of the men. To them, this was a man's world. A woman had no business fighting criminals and solving crimes. Not Samson though, He welcomed me with open arms, he was excited about having a female partner but not in the creepy way. Samson respected me. He allowed me to lead when it was necessary, and my background spoke for me at the end of the day. I joined the Chicago Police Department when it was twenty years old, quickly moved up in ranks over the years. After becoming a detective, I transferred to Riverborn for a better opportunity. Samson has been with RPD since the late 90s, he has seen a few traumatizing things on the job. He was a good-looking guy, real smart and funny but his downfall was that he always chose his career first.

He shortly returned to the office moments later, savoring the hot drink. "Thank you so much."

"No problem. You got any information on Samuel and Brycen  Baron  ?" I asked from across the room.

He grabbed a folder off his desk and walked over to hand it to me. "Them two were double- trouble together."

I opened the file as he took a seat in front of my desk and began reading.

"Samuel and Brycen Baron were born on August 21, 1999 to a Kandace Baron. The father is listed as unknown. Child Protective Services were called on Kandace multiple times from 2002 until 2004 by her mother, but the investigators never found anything wrong when they visited the house."

I jotted Kandace's  name down on my notepad and continued.

"On August 4, 2010, they were arrested for a Breaking and Entering."

"A BNE? They were only eleven." Samson chuckled. "These kids getting wilder by the day."

"Eleven and... they had guts to break in the house belonging to the late Dominic Kane. You remember him, don't you?" I looked up to see his reaction.

"The Frank Lucas of Riverborn." Samson huffed, "Of course. I didn't sleep for weeks working that damn murder case." He tried not to reminisce. "And to make matters worse the shit is still unsolved." He shook his head disappointed.

STEP DADDY 2: FAMILY TIES (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now