Chapter 62: Melancholy

Start from the beginning

Despite some slight struggling Y/N and Yuzu take the two familiars to their own individual rooms that Y/N created after the events of Haven.

Sanae: I can stay with you longer master.

She yawns again as Y/N kisses her forehead as the familiar finally falls asleep from exhaustion.

Y/N walks out the door of her familiars door as Yuzu can be seen doing the same for Asuna.

Y/N: (to Yuzu) Is she asleep?

Yuzu: She really wanted to, but she fell asleep as soon as I put her on the bed.

Y/N: That's good, I wouldn't want them to be completely exhausted in the morning.

The two are seen sitting together looking at the sky of the mentalscape until Y/N turns to see Yasuno keeping her distance from them.

Y/N: Why are you standing there alone Yasuno?

Yuzu: Come sit with us.

Yasuno hesitantly approaches the two girls before sitting next to them as Y/N pulls her into an embrace.

Y/N: Stop being so shy!

Yasuno: H-Hey! N-Not in front of Maria!

Yuzu: Hehehe...I'm glad to see you've both have gotten along since Asuna and I have been gone.

Y/N: Mmhm, We've both been training so much with each other.

Y/N: If I didn't have her with me I would have never beaten Raven on my own.

Yasuno: Y/N...

She turns away so her emotional side and Yuzu could see the smile on her face.

Yasuno: Y-You both can get some sleep, I'll keep watch.

Y/N: Not a chance.

Yuzu: I won't rest either, I'm master's blade and I refuse to sleep unless she does too.

Yasuno: F-Fine.

She then lays on Y/N's lap reverting from her transformation of a desire.

L/N: T-Then let me do this.

Y/N: Okay, whatever makes you comfortable.

Yuzu: Master, can I do what as I wish too?

Y/N: Mmhm, you deserve a break too.

Yuzu then changes from her knight attire to the casual clothes Y/N bought her after the events at Mountain Glenn.

The red haired familiar clings to her master's arm getting comfortable at the warmth it provides her.

The three girls remain silent until L/N breaks it.

L/N: I'm sorry.

Y/N & Yuzu: Huh?

L/N: For all the pain and damage I've done to both of you. I'm sorry for everything.

Y/N: You don't have to apologise anymore, we've already settled our differences and survived together.

Yuzu: I feel the same. Even though you were the reason Asuna and I got shattered, I can feel from your intentions you never wished us any harm.

Yuzu: I've caused a lot of pain as well, and only because I wanted to carry out my own feelings of revenge.

L/N: I guess we both went down a dark path.

Yuzu: (patting L/N's head) Then we'll have to work twice as hard to make up for it.

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