The Morning After The Night Before

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Santana grunted as a quiet knocking noise reverberated through the living room.

"Uuuugh." She groaned as the tapping became slightly louder. She prised herself off of Quinn, rolling on to her back and easing her eyes open with a scowl. The knocking continued and she lifted her head off the pillow to decipher which direction the noise was coming from. Turning her head from side to side, she stopped suddenly to glare at the front door.

"Whatthefuck?" She croaked, swallowing over and over in an attempt to moisten her mouth as the room spun around her. She scrambled beside the mattress to find her phone, lighting up the screen to find it was 4am. She pushed herself into a sitting position as the knocking sped up slightly, clambering to her feet begrudgingly to tip-toe across the room. She held one eye to the peephole, swaying slightly as she attempted to focus, seeing Puck leaning against the doorframe in the dimly lit hallway, carrying his bundled up jacket in his hands. She unhooked the chain before unlocking the door and pulling it open to allow the boy entry.

"I hate you." She hissed, glaring at him as he staggered through the door looking pleased with himself, "What are you doing here?"

"Well I couldn't stay over!" He defended, holding his hands out in a sloppy shrug. "Nice shorts." He winked, and she rolled her eyes as she locked the door once again.

"Ugh. It's four am! And why are you soaking wet?" She hissed, and Puck grimaced.

"I couldn't put my jacket on." He held it up in front of her, and Santana saw that the fabric and lining were ripped in various places.

"What the hell happened?" She whispered incredulously, staring at Puck with eyes as wide as she could manage in her sleep-deprived state.

"She ripped it!" Puck replied with a huge grin, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Ugh. Good for you." Santana rolled her eyes before turning on her heel, "Okay. I haven't had nearly enough sleep. I understand you're proud of your little conquest but if one more word comes out of your mouth I will strangle you with your own reel of condoms!" She glared at him as he held his hands up in defence before resuming her place on the mattress. She jabbed a finger at the couch, "Blankets. Sleep." She sent him another glare before laying back down with a yawn, grateful that Puck settled himself on the sofa in almost complete silence.


A loud, shrill scream echoed through the apartment, and Santana immediately sat bolt upright in bed.

"What? What's happen? Rachel?" She rubbed her eyes and turned her head in the direction of the bedrooms after seeing the sofa unattended.

"Oh my God, Puck!" The small brunette shrieked.

Rachel had exited her bedroom, padding down the hall with her eyes closed in a groggy, half-awake state. Puck had been using the bathroom, and the clueless brunette had collided face-first with the boy's huge, bare chest, which she was now slapping angrily as he attempted to defend himself.

"You scared me half to death! I thought you went home with that girl!" She relented her attack, clutching her chest dramatically as Puck rubbed at his chest.

"Well I didn't wanna stay over! And I didn't wanna miss pancakes! Geez." He backed away from her cautiously as a large red patch spread across the skin. "You're vicious for a little thing."

"Sorry, I just didn't know you were here." She replied, all animosity gone.

Santana watched the exchange angrily through lidded eyes.

"It's alright. Just didn't wanna miss the morning-after pancake party." He laughed, and Rachel shrugged.

"I'm not surprised, my pancakes have been described as 'heavenly'. So are you done in the bathroom?" She smiled brightly and Puck nodded, gesturing for her to go ahead.

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