Guest Baker

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"Hey, Starlight. How are you?" Quinn grinned as she unlocked the door, standing back to let the Latina in from the cold

"Not so bad. How's cupcake girl?" she pulled off her coat as the blonde locked the door behind her. Truthfully, she'd had an awful day. Most of her classes were starting to get restless waiting for the Christmas break, the lunchtime rehearsal for the concert in a few weeks had gone horribly, and she found a hole in her shoe as she was walking home through the snow.

"I'm pretty good. I've already made the gingerbread, because otherwise we'd be here for hours." She grinned, gesturing for Santana to follow her behind the counter and into the kitchen.

"Okay cool"

"But if you want I'll give you a recipe for good gingerbread that will be sturdy enough to hold structurally." She smiled, and Santana quirked an eyebrow, looking impressed as the blonde continued "So, the gingerbread is already cut out. When you do it you'll want to print out templates and use them to cut the gingerbread. I also have templates if you want some." She blushed and Santana nodded gratefully

"Cool okay." Quinn handed her an apron. It was one of those cute ones that the blonde wore, that tied around your waist instead of being full-body, and seemed to be more for decoration than purpose, and Santana began to try and tie it behind her back, "Oh God, turn around." Quinn laughed, and Santana obliged. She felt the girl's hands brush her lower back as she tied it tight and Santana turned back, grinning her thanks. "Okay, you are going to make the royal icing while I get the gingerbread and check it's cooled" Santana nodded. She noticed Quinn had lined up all of the ingredients and equipment already on the counter, and grinned, setting about her task. "You're very quiet today"

"Just a little tired I guess. Plus you're being really bossy and I'd hate to get in trouble with the teacher" she said, mock-seriously, and Quinn shook her head

"Well you know it's a serious business. Architecture is a competitive occupation; I'm training you for the real world." She smirked and Santana laughed. The blonde leaned over to a small stereo, and quiet music began to play.

Santana noticed it was The Beach Boys "Really? The Beach Boys?"

"Yeah, so what? I like them" Quinn pouted

"Well, so do I but it's like a million degrees below out there. Hardly seasonal music for someone who loves the holidays" She teased

"Exactly. Nothing like some summer music to make you forget that you're risking frostbite every minute you're outside." She laughed

"Okay, I'm done" the brunette announced. Quinn was stood behind her, and leaned around her body to check the consistency. Santana gulped.

The blonde nodded with a smile "Perfect. Okay, fill the piping bag with icing," Santana did as she was told and Quinn slid the tray of gingerbread across between them. She bit her lip nervously, frowning and Quinn smiled, "Don't worry, it's not life or death"

"I just fear for the lives of those tiny gingerbread children." Santana said seriously, "I'd hate to be the cause of their amputation due to collapsing buildings"

"I just made them for fun. Although I intended to amputate them in a whole different way when we're done" Quinn smiled

"You made them for that sole purpose? You have a cold, cold heart, Quinn Fabray" she shook her head and the blonde narrowed her eyes dangerously

"Like lambs to the slaughter." Santana laughed, "Anyway. So, first you're going to pipe the icing straight onto the board in an L shape. Then you put the first wall on one line, and I'll hold it." Santana did as she was told, slightly warily, and Quinn held the wall in place, "Right, now put the next piece on the other line, and pipe a line up between them to stick them together" Santana did so, slightly clumsily, and blushed. Wow, Quinn really was stood very close.

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