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Quinn woke up slowly, rubbing at her eyes and stretching before her eyelids fluttered open, focusing on the ceiling above her. She registered that she wasn't in her apartment, and propped herself up on her elbows as she gazed around the room. She grinned as she remembered the events of the night before and rolled over in the bed, smiling as her eyes fell on the brunette beside her. She moved, resting on one elbow, to get a better view of the girl's serene face, and lifted her other hand to brush a strand of hair off Santana's forehead with a small smile.

She swept her fingertips down the bridge of Santana's nose, round her full lips to her chin, before stroking back up to her temple and forehead, then down along her cheekbones, and giggled when the brunette grinned and snuggled closer to her body, dropping her arm around Santana's waist and leaning down to press her lips to Santana's temple. "Hello gorgeous" she whispered, and Santana sighed happily.

"Hey, you." Santana cupped her face, pulling her into a deep kiss before pulling away with a grin "Ah, I can't believe you're here!" she giggled, rolling on her side to face the blonde, who raised an amused eyebrow.

"What? Why?" she dragged her finger's up and down Santana's ribcage, lifted her t-shirt up and down as she went.

"I don't know. Because you're here. And I'm so lucky. And I love you." She grinned again and Quinn giggled, rolling her eyes before wrapping an arm around Santana and rolling over, pulling her down to lay on top of her.

"I love you too. And I love being able to say that." She pecked a quick kiss on Santana's nose, and she scrunched her face up, so Quinn placed another to the bridge with a chuckle. A phone started to ring as Santana shuffled her body down Quinn's resting her head in the crook of the blonde's neck with a smile, and Quinn groaned "Is that you or me?"

"It's me" Santana replied, closing her eyes and inhaling deeply.

"Did you just sniff me? Aren't you going to answer it?" Quinn closed her eyes, snuggling her head into the pillow with a small yawn.

"Yes, don't act like it's weird, you always smell my hair. And no."

"I didn't think you'd noticed. Your hair always smells nice though." She shrugged before tilting her head, smelling Santana's hair and pressing a kiss to the top of her head, before Santana's phone buzzed with a message. A few seconds later, Don't Rain on My Parade started blaring from Quinn's phone, and Santana raised her head to stare at the blonde.

"What is that?" her eyes were eyes and her lip curled in mild disgust, and Quinn giggled with a shrug.

"Rachel's ringtone. Everyone has one. Hmm, must be important if she's ringing both of us." Quinn bit her lip thoughtfully before sighing and reaching for her phone, as Santana watched on horrified "Hey Rach...oh God, yeah...well that sucks..." Santana frowned, watching Quinn's sympathetic face "Yeah of course...well, I have news for you too, actually...yeah I'll tell you when I see you...okay, love you, bye!"

"What's going on?" Santana frowned resting her chin on Quinn's breastbone, and the blonde placed a forearm under her head, looking down at the brunette.

"Rachel's show ends this week. They were hoping to extend it but they couldn't get the rights from the theatre." Santana's shoulders slumped with disappointment.

"That does suck. Ugh, now she'll be back to auditions all the time, and she was so happy. Poor, Rach."

"I know. So, she wants us to go to the last show this Friday. And we're all going to the bar tonight." She smiled, blowing Santana a kiss, and the brunette mimed catching it between her teeth, before lifting herself up until they were face to face again, giving Quinn a long, sweet kiss with a smile

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