Red Velvet

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"If I marry her, do we both wear dresses?" It was a few hours later, and nearly 2am, and thy were still sat in Brittany and Rachel's living room, discussing their love-lives. Brittany was laid upside down with her legs over the back of the sofa, Rachel had made her way onto the floor, and Santana was sat cross-legged on the sofa.

"You can wear whatever you want; although I do think you'd look very fetching in a suit" Rachel winked and Santana giggled

"You should both wear sweatpants. And sweaty sneakers. Can I be maid of honour?" Santana asked through her mouthful of popcorn

"No way, I'm maid of honour!" Rachel pouted "Besides, you don't have any honour!"

"Zip it, hobbit! You're one to talk; I know what you did with that guy in the gym closet, when you were touring schools with that stupid history show. Yeah, you're so honourable"

Rachel blushed and Brittany snorted, "Oh my God, I remember that! We had to take you to the clinic because you thought you got an infection from all the sweaty equipment!" Santana laughed and Rachel rolled her eyes, attempting to stop her giggles. And failing.

"Yeah, whatever. Because I'm the only one that's ever had to visit the clinic...?" she looked pointedly at Santana

"Um...yeah?" Brittany frowned, before noticing Rachel's glare "Oh my god, what's this? I haven't heard this story!"

"No! There's nothing to tell!" Santana shouted as Rachel opened her mouth

"Oh yes there is-" Rachel began, but Santana cut her off

"There isn't. She already knows" she shrugged, casually

"No she doesn't!" Rachel insisted

"No, she doesn't" Brittany echoed, grinning and shaking her head

"Rachel leave it, there's-" before she could finish, Brittany dived across the sofa and grabbed Santana, covering the brunette's mouth with her hand,

"Rachel what happened?" the blonde asked, holding a glaring Santana down

"Santana got thrush after she slept with a drama lecturer at NYU!" Rachel blurted out, and Brittany's jaw dropped

"No way! Oh my God! I did not know that!" she sat back, releasing a blushing Santana

"Whatever, it's not a big deal. It was one time" she shrugged

"IT WAS ONE TIME!" They all shouted in unison before bursting into fits of giggles

"Ah...I love gossip." Brittany chuckled

"Yeah, only coz you're not the butt of the stories!" Santana blushed again, glaring at Rachel, who giggled to herself

"To be fair," the short brunette pointed at Brittany, "You did once ask me if colour protect shampoo would stop you from going grey when you get old..."

"It protects colour!" The blonde defended, holding her arms up in a shrug

"Only if you dye your hair! It doesn't work like that!" Santana threw her head back with laughter, and the blonde blushed as Rachel joined in with the giggling

"Okay, it's like 2am." Santana announced when she had stopped giggling, and the other two girls pulled shocked faces as they checked the time "So if we're done with confession time, I'd better be heading home. See you later, chicas"

They said their goodbyes and Santana grinned, still blushing slightly, as she left their building. It had been a very interesting night; finding out about Brittany's date, and the major gossip session that came afterwards. It was a fairly warm night, considering it was September, which was lucky as she had only taken a thin jacket with her. She rounded the corner onto the strip of shops between her street and Rachel and Brittany's.

The street was mostly deserted apart from a couple of men on the other side, and Santana was happy to wander home at her own pace. It was Friday night, so she didn't have to worry about getting up early the next day, and could stay up as late as she wanted. She threw her head back to look at the sky; more as habit than anything else, god knows she couldn't see the stars with all this light pollution, but it was nice to look at how high the buildings rose. It was as she was staring upwards at the skyline that she bumped straight into an unsuspecting passer-by.

There was a small squeal, and Santana immediately apologized "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't see you – oh, it's you. Hi." She stopped abruptly, staring at the girl in front of her.

"Oh, it's okay, really. I didn't see you either" Quinn smiled. Even at 2am she was beaming. Seriously?

"No it was my fault. What are you doing here this late anyway?" she frowned and gestured to the bakery, which now had its shutters pulled down, and she noticed Quinn held a key in her hand

"I was just locking up, actually. I'm not always here this late. I mean sometimes I am, but, not always..." she blushed as she trailed off, realizing she had been talking very fast

"Oh. Why wereyou here so late?" Santana frowned, and gestured in the direction she was going. Quinn nodded and they set off at a slow walk

"Well, I was doing the accounts and paperwork stuff, and then I let a batch of red velvets burn just too much to sell, so I had to start all over again" she sighed, rolling her eyes with a smile

"Oh, that sucks." Santana frowned sympathetically

"I have the brunt ones here if you want one? No charge, obviously" she blushed, breaking eye contact, and Santana smiled "They don't have any frosting, but they are only a little burnt"

"Cool, thanks"

"So, what about you? Why out so late?" Under normal circumstances, Santana would scowl and tell her it was none of her business, but she was a little tipsy, and in a fairly good mood. Plus the blonde's sickening smile wasa little infectious

"Oh, I was just at my two friends' house for an update; one was on a date tonight" she explained, and Quinn nodded, "This is really good, by the way. Thanks"

She grinned at the praise, suddenly shy "I see. So how was it? Was he a gentleman?"

Santana gave a soft laugh, "The complete opposite actually."

"Ohhh, I see." Quinn blushed, looking down at her feet "Sorry"

"It's fine." Santana shook her head and grinned "But apparently she was a complete lady. Although she did insist on paying"

"Well that's always a good sign" Quinn laughed "Okay, well this is me. So, I guess I'll see you around"

"Yeah, thanks for the cake. See you!" she smiled as the blonde turned down a side street with a small wave.

She made her way back to her own apartment, watching a few episodes of Friends in bed, before falling asleep, staying in bed until way past noon the next day. It was Saturday, after all. Saturday afternoon she went to the gym before going shopping – managing to lug all of the bags up the stairs in one trip – clearly the work-outs were paying off. Sunday was spent shopping and watching TV, before marking some last minute work students had emailed to her, and organising her work and outfit, ready for Monday morning.

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