Happy Birthday

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Santana followed a trail of clues leading her round the block over and over on the same route, each one containing a small piece of costume jewellery, until finally the trail led back to the bakery. She rolled her eyes humorously as Quinn waved through the window with an enthusiastic grin. She noted the Back in five minutes! note on the door as she pushed her way into the bakery with an incredulous smile.

"Surprise!" Quinn called gleefully as the door swung shut behind the brunette.

"Very clever, I like how my birthday present was walking round the block for the last half an hour." Santana raised an eyebrow with a giggle, leaning over the counter to pull the blonde into a long kiss, "Also, how do you get away with a sign on the door saying you're not here when you're stood...right here?" Santana pointed to the floor at Quinn's feet, and the blonde shrugged.

"I locked the door until I saw you coming." She admitted with a guilty grimace.

"And no one came to the door while it was locked?" Santana raised an eyebrow.

Quinn's face remained impassive as she held up an A4 piece of paper with a large message wrote in black sharpie.

Surprise for my girlfriend.
Back to work in five minutes.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Santana couldn't help but laugh loudly at the deadpan expression and matching message on the paper, "That seems so heartfelt." She commented sardonically.

"I'm a romantic." Quinn shrugged again, before holding out another envelope to Santana. The brunette rolled her eyes playfully with a grin and took the envelope carefully, pausing as her fingers reached in.

"Hang on." Santana frowned, "Before I open this, how come I didn't see any of the other clues as I was walking round the block?" She raised an eyebrow and Quinn smiled blandly.

"I just had Jess follow you around the block putting out the next round of clues behind you." The blonde shrugged, clearly proud of herself.

"What? You can't have, I would have seen her." Santana scoffed, but Quinn jerked an eyebrow.

"Clearly Jess is stealthier than you think."

Santana narrowed her eyes in a suspicious glare before pulling out the post-it note and scanning over the message.

A final clue, to end your trail,
And now your gift will be unveiled.
Look to the left, and through the glass,
Place your order and wait for the pass
I hope you've had fun, and it wasn't a bore,
A very happy birthday, and many more.

Her face split into a huge grin and she gazed at the blonde for a moment, who twisted her mouth mock-awkwardly and jerked a thumb to Santana's left. The girl bent at the waist to examine the cake case, and in doing so found a small square box on a tray of it's own, labelled Birthday Delight. She straightened, raising an intrigued eyebrow, and Quinn smiled politely.

"Hello, miss, what can I get you today? And may I say you look positively delightful." The blonde winked cheekily and Santana giggled.

"In light of recent compliments, I will have a Birthday Delight please, lady." Quinn nodded as she leaned into the case, "And I might add, you also look lovely."

Quinn deposited the small box on the counter before splaying her hands with a hopeful smile. Santana gasped as she took in the bright turquoise colour and soft white ribbon tied in a bow on top. She glanced up at Quinn in disbelief, who smiled nervously and nodded to the box. Santana reached out and placed it on her upturned palm before grasping the end of the ribbon between her thumb and forefinger and pulling slowly until it fell away in her hand. She eased the lid off slowly and her face broke into a huge grin. A small, heart-shaped silver padlock sat in the cushioned box, hanging from a thin silver chain. She reached in with her fingers and laid it on them, turning the silver pendant over to see that the opposite side was bright red.

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