Lucky Underwear

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"So you still don't know what you're doing?" Rachel frowned as she sat on Santana's bed

"No. Well, no one really asked the other on a date, we just sort of agreed." Santana shrugged from her dressing table "So neither of us planned anything and we're just sort of playing it by ear." Rachel looked smug "We'll probably just end up going to dinner and a movie or something. Something simple where we can just talk, get to know each other more"

"Fair enough, that makes sense. Well you look great, I'm sure it'll be amazing!" she replied as Santana grinned nervously "Don't worry! Anyway, I have an audition in the morning so I have to go!"

"Oh what for?" Santana stood to lead her out of the apartment

"Les Miserables. Off Broadway, but it'll look great on my resume so fingers crossed!" she hugged Santana and wished her luck before leaving, and Santana sighed, resting her back against the wall. She crossed to the mirror to look at her outfit again, before running back into the bedroom to change again.


Two outfits later, she had left her building, via the stairs, and was walking towards the corner, where the blonde was already stood.

"You made it! I was worried the curse of Floor Six would come back with a vengeance" Quinn laughed as they hugged

"Stairs. I wasn't risking it. You look very nice" Santana grinned

"Thank you, I could say the same to you" Quinn smiled nervously and Santana blushed

"So what do you want to do?" Santana smiled as they began to walk up the street

"I have no idea. I'm so sorry but I've been planning for Christmas and I go in a few days and my head is so messed up today!" Quinn cringed as she apologized but the brunette laughed and took her hand

"Shut up. We will find something to do, and have an awesome time, and I know so because I'm wearing my lucky underwear. Nothing can go wrong."

"Nothing can go wrong?" Quinn raised a sceptical eyebrow and Santana nodded

"Nothing can go wrong. Nothing has ever gone wrong while I am wearing this underwear" she smiled confidently and Quinn giggled

"Well I will hold you to that."

"Do you trust me?" she glanced to the blonde at her side

"...Yes. Why?"

"I have an idea..."


They reached the subway station a few minutes later, and Santana dragged Quinn over to the map on the wall. She stood behind and placed her gloved hands over the blonde's eyes


"What?" Quinn frowned under her hands

"Point to the map. Wherever you point, we will go."

The blonde laughed "Okay" and pulled off her glove. Her hand wavered in the air for a moment, before stabbing at the clear plastic

"Okay, that's where we are now." Santana rolled her eyes as Quinn pulled her hands away with a giggle "Are you sure you can't see?"

"Your gloves are like bear hands, of course I can't. Sorry, let's go again" Santana laughed and covered the girl's eyes again and she stabbed the board once more

"Okay, we are going to Manhattan. We're in for a long ride" Santana grinned

"Are you sure?" the blonde bit her lip "It's kind of far"

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