Mohawk Guy

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Santana giggled quietly as she crept through the door of the blonde's apartment. It was almost two weeks since she had given Quinn a key, their argument dissipating slowly over the next few days, and the blonde had returned the favour yesterday afternoon when Santana had visited the bakery.


She slid off her shoes and jacket, peering around the partition wall to see Quinn dancing around the kitchen, music blaring from her iPod dock in the corner.


She was stood at the stove, stirring what looked like curry, and Santana grinned as she watched the oblivious blonde.


Santana stepped round the corner, sneaking up behind the blonde "OH BABY PLEEEEEEEEEASE!" she sang in Quinn's ear, and the blonde jumped, grabbing her chest in fright as she turned to slap Santana on the arm, wide-eyed in terror "GIVE A LITTLE RESPECT..." Santana carried on, spinning the blonde round and encircling her in her arms, and Quinn giggled before joining in

"TOOOO MEEEEE!" They both sang out the last note, falling about giggling as the song ended.

"Well hey" Quinn grinned and leaned in for a kiss, wrapping her arms around Santana's neck "Remind me to take back my key, you're abusing this right." She raised an eyebrow and glared, but Santana giggled

"No. I refuse. You knew I was coming over, what did you expect?" she shrugged innocently with a giggle

"I thought you'd take longer" she blushed

"By the way, that is the most ridiculous song ever." Santana laughed

Quinn pouted as the next song started "Oh, I love this song"

Santana frowned, recognising the opening bars but not being able to place it. She could play it on piano, she knew that much, but she just couldn't name it right now. Quinn rolled her eyes as the soft music played, leaning forward pressing her body against Santana's and whispering in her ear "It's Winter Song" Winter song! That's it, of course! She smiled and nodded as Quinn began to sing "Bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum..."

She started to sway a little, joining in to sing the first line "This is my winter song to you, the storm is coming soon, it rolls in from the sea." Quinn grinned, kissing her nose as she sang softly, and swaying gently with her

"My voice a beacon in the night, my words will be your light, to carry you to me" Quinn sang back to her and she smiled as they sang the chorus together, turning slowly, Quinn only pausing once to lean over her shoulder and stir the pan of chicken on the stove with a giggle. She closed her eyes and leaned in to press her forehead against the blonde's as they swayed and turned in the small space of the kitchen, before Quinn tilted her head up to trap Santana's lips between her own. Santana deepened their kiss as the song played in the background, but it could have faded into silence for all she knew, before Quinn pulled away

"This is my winter song, December never felt so wrong, coz you weren't where you belonged" Santana grinned at the change of lyrics as Quinn sang "inside my arms" she leaned in the give the brunette another soft kiss.

"Quinn?" she whispered, and the blonde raised an eyebrow before she rested her temple against Santana's "Why are we slow-dancing in your kitchen?"

"I have no idea" the blonde whispered back with a giggle "But I don't really care that much"

"Same" Santana smiled as she closed her eyes once again.


"Oh. Hey Quinn" Brittany frowned, checking shed rang the right number

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