Happy Hour

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She couldn't say exactly what she had been expecting. Until she entered the apartment, and it was exactly what she'd expected. One wall of the open-plan living area was painted bright red, and everything about the apartment just screamed Quinn. It was small and cozy, and there were aspects of the girl everywhere you looked. The sofa was more of a small loveseat, covered in bright throws and cushions, and sitting on it felt like being swallowed into the centre of the earth. The shelves were cluttered full of films and old books, with the occasional trinkets and bits and bobs. There were photo frames on every surface, full of pictures of Quinn with her brother, family or friends, beaming that huge grin in almost all of them. Scattered between the posed family photos were the occasional random candid shots of her family, and some of Quinn herself, not always paying attention, but looking effortless and beautiful. The whole apartment was light and bright and colourful, and Santana grinned as soon as she entered.

A photo by the door took her attention, and she picked it up to look before she had even removed her coat, with a wide smile. Quinn took her coat and hung it up, looking over the brunette's shoulder at the photo she was holding "My brother took that when we were on holiday in England when I was...18? 19 maybe?"

"I like it. Your brother's a really good photographer" It was a photo of Quinn, in beautiful colours of green and yellow, stood in a field full of flowers. She was stood on a rickety-looking wooden fence, looking down at the grass with a small smile, and was almost silhouetted against the sun behind.

"He should be, it's his job." Quinn shrugged as Santana slid her own coat off "Now come on, let's get you dried off and everything. I'll get you some clean clothes." Santana smiled and placed the photo frame back on the table, her heart fluttering, and followed Quinn to the bedroom. The blonde held up two pairs of identical sweatpants, mimicking Santana, and she glared before grabbing on pair. She peeled off her soaking clothes and pulled on the pants as Quinn changed and handed her a t-shirt with the slogan Happy Falker Satherhood and Santana pulled it on with a bemused smile

"It's from a cake website about professional bakers who get things wrong" Quinn explained, blushing bright red, and Santana planted a kiss on her nose

"You're cute." She grinned

Quinn took her wet clothes and bundled them into the washing machine as she pulled on a wonder woman t-shirt, and Santana crossed to the couch, folding one leg under her as she sat down, before jumping back up in shock "Careful, the couch sinks a lot, and you will get swallowed" Quinn warned from the kitchen area as she pulled cupboard doors open, surveying the contents. "Do you wanna choose a movie or something?" she smiled and Santana nodded, crossing to the shelves.

The blonde re-entered the living room with a bowl of popcorn and bar of chocolate, grinning at Santana as she placed them on the coffee table. Santana had been perusing the shelf of DVDs until another photo caught her eye. This was another of Quinn; this one in black and white, where she was stood by a lamp-post, looking back to the camera with her classic eyebrow raise. Santana giggled when she saw it and Quinn looked over curiously.

"Paris last year." She said, reminiscing, until she let out a soft giggle "Literally five seconds after that photo was taken, a pigeon took a crap on Sam's shoulder" Santana smiled "Chosen a film? If not, I do have more...but you have to promise not to tell anyone"

"What? Why?" she frowned with a smile and Quinn blushed

"If you open the drawer under the coffee table, that's where I keep my guilty pleasure films"

"Ooooh, sounds juicy!" Santana giggled and crossed to the coffee table, watching Quinn blush in anticipation. She pulled the drawer open and looked down "Weekend at Bernie's, Flash Gordon – that is bad. Tremors, Batman – what, that's an awesome film? The Black Cauldron, George of the Jungle, You've Got Mail– oh my God, Quinn! This is a diamond mine of guilty pleasures! Ghost, 2012 – that sucked. Rent – do NOT tell Rachel. The Little Mermaid...oh no, wait! Ohh, we have a winner!"

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